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Civil War Booklet

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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  • States' rights- States’ Rights refers to the struggle between the federal government and individual states over political power.
  • Tariffs- Tariffs particularly favored the North and their manufacturing plants. The South particularly disliked these tariffs because they did not have any interest in the North benefiting from their money.
  • Dred Scott vs. Sandford -Dred Scott was a slave who craved citizenship through the American legal system, and, whose case eventually ended up in the Supreme Court.


  • The battle of Fort Sumter was the first battle of the Civil War; South won.
  • North: "General Beauregard is imposing our surrender, but we will not. They begin by firing the first shot... POW! One of our men is down. POW, POW! More men slaughtered....They have us surrounded...WE NEED HELP!"
  • South: "We have given them an hour to surrender. We have also surrounded them on all sides. Now they have no chance of escape. They have not surrendered... First man fires...ONE MAN DOWN! After hours in battle they have finally agreed to surrender... VICTORY!"


  • The battle of Antietam was the first major battle in the American Civil War to take place on Union soil; Neither side won.
  • South: "We were outnumbered by them of the Union. They fired first, then we fired back at them. A bloody day it was...but there was no victory even though we did retreat. I have many wounds, and most of my companions have died in battle. "
  • North: "We outnumbered them. Surely we won because of Lee's retreat on us... Although president Lincoln was dismayed that we did not go after them while they were wounded and retreating."


  • The battle of Gettysburg was the major turning point in the Civil War; Union won
  • North: "We are all exhausted from this war. There are many casualties and deaths we have to deal with. And many of our men are wounded and hurt severely. I do pray that God sees us out of this alive."
  • South: "We fled; we fled like a human flees from a swarm of bees. We surrendered, and we are all wounded and tired."


  • This battle gave the Union army complete control over the Mississippi River and cut the Confederacy in two; Union won
  • North: "In the beginning, we lost many lives, but we did not give up. We bombed the Confederates until they had no more food. Some became as skinny as pencils and many got diseases."
  • South: " All was going well until the Union army came along. They continuously bombed us until we had nothing left... we were literally eating tree bark and rats for some time."


  • This document granted freedom to all slaves in the Confederacy still in rebellion. It also allowed for the use of African-Americans in the Union army and the Navy.
  • Slave: " This is great. Freedom at last. I sure do hope it stays this way. Thank God for president Abraham Lincoln and this document."


  • This surrender signaled the start of the end of the American Civil War.
  • General U.S. Grant: "We Made them stop in Appomattox. Their army didn't look all that appealing. General Lee finally decided surrender. We allowed the Confederate army men to go back home. We gave them food and all, but they had to turn in their weapons."
  • General Robert E. Lee: " Our men were leaving, we were short on food and supplies, and our men were weak. We were outnumbered and surrounded. I had no choice but to surrender."


  • Confederacy: Jefferson Davis
  • Union: Abraham Lincoln
  • Abraham Lincoln: "This war will never be forgotten in American History. Many of our men were killed ,but with the surrender of General Lee, we came out victorious."
  • Jefferson Davis: "This war was truly devastating. We lost so many of our men. We became short of food and supplies a lot. And we also were outnumbered countless times. I really did think we could win this, but I do have to say I didn't do all of my part during this war."


  • North: Ulysses S. Grant
  • South: Robert E. Lee
  • Ulysses S. Grant: " We were victorious. Thanks to the Confederate surrender. We had many injured, wounded, and some even dead. But we fought a good fight."
  • Robert E. Lee: " We have surrendered, and all war is over. Our men are allowed to go back to their homes with enough food to eat. This war was a deadly and bloody one, but we did fight best we could."


  • Thomas " Stonewall" Jackson: " I was considered as one of the best commanders in chief of the confederate army. I lost my arm during war and died later of pneumonia."
  • Phillip Bazaar:"I was greatfully presented with a Medal of Honor for distinguishing myself during the battle for Fort Fisher."
  • William Carney: "I was awarded a Medal of Honor for my brave efforts in the battle of Fort Wagner."


  • The Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth, is a death of one of the most remarkable presidents in history
  • Northerner: "President Lincoln was a great man. How someone could abruptly murder him, I can not fully comprehend. Many are mourning for him and his wife. We are all in grief as of this moment."
  • Southerner: "We are quite happy of this. Parties are being thrown all in the name of President Lincoln's Assassination. It is actually a joyous time. But some of our people are mourning with the Union. Tell me, how can this be?"


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  • "Spotlight: States Rights on the Move." Capitol Hill Outsider. N.p., 02 Apr. 2015. Web. 02 Apr. 2015.
  • "Consider Tariffs When Pricing Goods Shipped to Foreign Markets - Packair Airfreight, Inc. - Freight Forwarders Las Angeles." Packair Airfreight, Inc. N.p., 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 02 Apr. 2015
  • "A Nation Divided: Causes of the Civil War (Understanding the Civil War)." In Americana Americana Americana Americana at Strand Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2015.


  • "Battle of Antietam." - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2015.
  • "Causes Of The Civil War." History Net Where History Comes Alive World US History Online RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2015.
  • Answers. Answers Corporation, n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2015.
  • American Civil War." Kids History: Battle of Antietam. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.
  • "American Civil War." Civil War for Kids: The Battle of Gettysburg. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.


  • "Who Won the Battle of Fort Sumter? South or North?" Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2015.
  • "Citelighter Is the Fast, Fun, and Easy Way to Do Research." Battle of Gettysburg. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.
  • "What Is the Significance of the Battle of Vicksburg? | Ask.com." What Is the Significance of the Battle of Vicksburg? | Ask.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.
  • "Emancipation Proclamation." Emancipation Proclamation. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.


  • "American Civil War." Civil War: Siege of Vicksburg. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.
  • "American Civil War: Appomattox Court House." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.
  • "Jefferson Davis President Confederate States of America." Jefferson Davis President Confederate States of America. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.
  • "Portraits: Ulysses S Grant." MowryJournalcom. N.p., 31 Mar. 2013. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.


  • "William H. Carney at Fort Wagner." Blog Divided » Post Topic ». N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.
  • "Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2015.