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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Saturn's mass is 5.688*10^23

Saturn's diameter is 116,464 km

Saturn's distance from the sun is 1,433,000,000km

Photo by VinothChandar

Saturn's distance from Earth is 1,200,000,000km

It would take 5-6 yrs to travel to Saturn

For Saturn to make one revolution around the sun it would take 29 years

It takes 10 hrs and 45 min for Saturn to rotate on its axis one time

Saturn's rings are made of water, ice, rock and dust.
The sizes range from pebbles to house size chunks

Saturn's landscape is rocky and icy

Saturn has 62 moons

Saturn does have a atmosphere that is made of 75% hydrogen and 25% helium

Saturn temperature is 288 degrees Fahrenheit


178 degrees Celsius

To live on Saturn you would need very warm clothes, oxygen, water, and food