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Turner Syndrome

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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What other names are there for Turner Syndrome?

Ullrich-Turner syndrome, gonadal dysgenesis, TS, monopsony X, 45 X

What causes Turner Syndrome?

X-carrying sperm fertilizes an ovum that lacks an X, or when a sperm lacking an X or Y chromosome fertilizes an X-bearing egg

Photo by quinn.anya

What gene or chromosome is affected by Tuner Syndrome?

Affected sex chromosome- missing an X

Are there prenatal tests for this disorder?

Yes there are.

Photo by natalielucier

What are the symptom?

Only affects girl, short stature, non-functioning ovaries(causes infertility), extra skin on the neck(webbed neck), puffiness or swelling of hand or feet, skeletal abnormalities, heart defects, high blood pressure.

What population is affected?

1/2500 live female birth

How is it inherited?

It's not inherited. In an affected individual, it occurs as a random event during cell division in early fetal development.

Photo by wili_hybrid

What kind of medical assistance will the affected child need? Will further assistance be needed as the child grows older? What is long-term outlook for the child?

Human growth hormone, of given in early childhood, hormone injections can often increase adult height be a few inches.

Are there any treatments or cure?

No cure. Some treatment can help minimize its symptome. Human growth hormone. If given in early childhood, hormone injections can often increase adult height by a few inches

Could Turner Syndrome have been prevented?


Photo by slinky2000

Can this individual have children into the future? Will those children be affected?

Women can't get pregnant. Man can. But it's not affected.

Photo by lunar caustic

What is the current status of research on this disorders? Is there a cure coming soon?

The problem is not so much that there are no current treatment, but rather that those treatments are cumbersome and impede quality of life

Photo by Michael Till

Sources: Google, packet Ms.Brock gave

Photo by Esthr


Photo by Evil Erin