Published on Dec 16, 2015

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A General Overview (from pgs. 64-82 in the CTESS manual)
Photo by Crow 911

The Plan

  • We'll Focus on Page 1
  • Explanation of the Codes
  • IPOP-Aloud w/ Video
  • Practice in Groups
  • Q&A

The Rationale

Shorter, more frequent observations are more useful than lengthy less frequent observations (JPAS)

Photo by Neptoos

What Should It Measure?

  • Student Engagement
  • Classroom Grouping
  • Teacher Feedback
Photo by rbglasson

Student Engagement

  • A - Active Engagement
  • P - Passive Engagement
  • O - Off Task
  • X - Down Time
Photo by Claus Rebler

Active Engagement

The student is physically doing something relevant to the task.

Examples: sharing with a partner, taking notes, etc.

Non-Examples: sitting and listening; sustained, silent reading

Photo by IRGlover

Passive Engagement

The student is passively attending to instruction. They are not required to do anything other than listen or observe.

Examples: sitting quietly at desk while teacher is giving instructions, reading silently from a book or a screen

Non-Examples: distracted by another student, taking notes during a lecture

Photo by chris jd

Off Task

The student is doing something that is not relevant to the instruction.

Examples: on cell phone, texting a friend during instruction or activity; head down and eyes closed during instruction or activity

Non-Examples: on cell phone, texting a friend when the class has not been given a directive; walking around the room, but not disturbing anyone else

Down Time

The teacher has not provided a task to be engaged in

Example: student is done with assignment and spends the remainder of the time on unrelated activities

Non-Example: Talking while class is watching a movie (This would be marked as "Off Task".)

Classroom Grouping

  • W - Whole Group
  • S - Small Group
  • D - Dyad (partner)
  • I - Independent Work
  • X - No Grouping (downtime)
Photo by Digimist


  • P - Positive Feedback
  • C - Corrective Feedback
  • N - Critical/Harsh Feedback
  • X - No instruction is occurring
Photo by Roberto Trm

Positive Feedback

Group or individual feedback on an academic or social behavior that indicates the response is correct. This feedback can be verbal or non-verbal.

Photo by Steven2005

Corrective Feedback

Individual or group feedback on an academic or social behavior, indicating the that the response is not correct.

Critical/Harsh Feedback

Feedback is demeaning, harsh, or hostile.

Example: "You are the stupidest student I've ever tried to teach!"

Photo by Todd Huffman

Scott Christensen

Haiku Deck Pro User