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Slide Notes

This Haiku Deck presentation template for a company "culture code" presentation was created using the Zissou theme, image filters off.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/
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Copia de Culture and Core Values Haiku Deck Presentation Template

Published on Nov 30, 2015

Haiku Deck presentation template for capturing company culture and core values. Ideas: Add to your company LinkedIn page, share with employees, embed in blog or website.


Untitled Slide

This Haiku Deck presentation template for a company "culture code" presentation was created using the Zissou theme, image filters off.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/
Photo by chiaralily

Untitled Slide

Introduce yourself! Here you'll probably want to use a company logo or an image of your team or headquarters. You can pull directly from your camera roll, Facebook account, or Google Drive or Dropbox folder.

How to import images like a pro:

Founding story: key insight, inspiration, or quote from the founder.

Founding stories are important, and you can capture a key moment or inspirational quote here.

You can include a fuller version of the story in the Notes field. Here's how: http://blog.haikudeck.com/turn-presentations-into-content-assets/

Your "Why": Fundamental belief or big vision

This is a good place to use Haiku Deck's integrated Creative Commons image search. More about that here:

For more inspiration about telling your unique story (including a link to the famous Simon Sinek "Start with Why" talk), this might be helpful:
Photo by WordRidden

Your "How": How you do what you do and why it matters

What is the formula or method that will help you achieve your "why," your vision? You can capture that here.

Helpful tips for finding powerful images here:
Photo by futureshape

Your "What": What you make, sell, or offer

You can include one slide or a few to capture what exactly you offer. (Sometimes it's helpful to articulate what you don't offer.)
Photo by Cola21

Core Values

  • Core value 1
  • Core value 2
  • Core value 3
You can present your core values in a list like this one, or focus on them one slide at a time, with a well-chosen image to illustrate each one.

More about creating Haiku Deck lists here:
Photo by John-Morgan

Guiding Principles

Here you could visually represent your guiding principles, your special formula, or the mix of talents that makes you unique.

Click "Princple 1" to specify your first ingredient. Click the + to add more segments to the pie.

More on creating charts and graphs: http://blog.haikudeck.com/charts-and-graphs-made-easy-with-haiku-deck/

Defining details: Unique cause, location, or benefits that express your company culture

Closing with a unique detail is a great way to inject personality and make your company stand out from the crowd.

Here's another place where you might want to use your own photo. Here are some tips:
Photo by camknows

Culture in Action

Here's an example of a Haiku Deck stat chart, a quick way to create a simple infographic.

Other ideas:
# of awards your company has won,
# satisfied customers worldwide,

More about Haiku Deck charts and graphs here:

Company Name

Website @Twitter Other Contact Info
It's always good to close with where people can connect with you. You can also include a link to a website here in the Notes.

More about Haiku Deck Notes:

Have a great example of a Haiku Deck Culture and Core Values deck? Be sure to share it with us at gallery@haikudeck.com, or tweet it with the hashtag #hdgallery!