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Nutrition Plan For Basketball

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by nickwheeleroz

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Photo by xavi talleda

Carbohydrate is the fuel of choice for basketball, as it is the dominant fuel for aerobic energy production and is also the only fuel for anaerobic energy through glycolysis.
Carbohydrates intake during training or competition can provide fuel for the muscles and keep the brain happy and on task.

Photo by SweetOnVeg

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Photo by scragz

Carbohydrates intake guidelines
Pre-training/competition preparation-days
Moderate duration/low to moderate intensity basketball training/game : 5-7 g CHO/day/kg body mass (bm)
Moderate-to-heavy intensity basketball training/game : 7-12 g CHO/day/kg bm
Repeated bouts of moderate-to-heavy intensity basketball training/games (tournaments) : 10-12 + g CHO/day/kg bm

Photo by stadtbraut

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Photo by somenice


  • What is basketball?
  • A game played by two teams
  • Having a raised basket or goal at each end.
  • Five players each on a rectangular court
  • Points being scored by tossing the ball into opponents basket
Photo by Damian Paulus

Pre-training/competition preparations- hours
Ingestion of CHO-rich meal after overnight (fast) and 2-4 hours before training/competition
Smaller amounts of CHO (snacks) in the final 2 hours before training/competition (~30 g CHO/hr to individual preference).
These can ensure that liver is loaded with glycogen,muscle glycogen is topped up, and the brain stays alert.

Photo by minnepixel

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Photo by W2 a-w-f-i-l

Carbohydrate intake during basketball training and games
Ingest fluid, electrolytes, and CHO in ~ 6 % solution (14g CHO/8 oz or 60 g/L)
Ingest 500-1000 mL/hour of sports drink (30-60 g CHO/hr) as per individual need, preference.
Some team sports player prefer ~ 2%-3% CHO solution, and could add additional carbohydrate from a solid or semisolid.

Photo by geishaboy500

Recovery following training/competition
Ingest CHO ( ~1-1.2 g CHO/hr-for-first 2-3 hours) immediately post exercise to start replenishment of liver and muscle glycogen stores
Ingest 20-25 g of protein to increase muscle protein synthesis and put the muscle in positive protein balance (protein synthesis is greater than protein degradation)
Eat a proper meal no later than 1-3 hours after training/activity. Snacks high in CHO are substituted if repeated training or games occurs on the same day.
Eating after exercise allows the recovery of the muscle and liver to begin.

Photo by NetDoktor.de

Fat are important because they provide essential fatty acid to the body, and they allow the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.
Although fat is important but it is not a good source of energy as it takes a long time to digest and break down into energy.
The fat intake should be moderate throughout the day.

Photo by Great Beyond

Fat can divide to saturated fat and unsaturated fat.
Unsaturated fat contains fatty acid that are particularly beneficial for physical performance and good health.
Unsaturated fat can divide to two also : monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat.
Example for monounsaturated fat is found in eggs, olives, olive-oil, nuts
Example for polyunsaturated fat is comes from fat fish (salmon , Markell, nuts, soft margarines, and certain oil)

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Photo by UrsOnMac

No players who wants to get stronger or healthier can do it without the aid of the protein.
Consuming high quality lean protein throughout the day is essential for effective recovery and repair of damaged muscle tissue. High quality leans sources of protein include meats that are grilled,baked,broiled,or boiled such as fish, turkey, seafood, egg whites and lean beef.

Photo by super_luminal

Diet for a basketball player must have protein to be strong in the game of basketball.
About 10 to 20 percent and 1 to 1.5 grams of protein of the body weight each day.