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What is blue

Published on Nov 20, 2015

Blue is my favorite color Blue is the color of the sky when there is no clouds Blue is the color of the ocean Blue is a happy color So I hope you like this.


Color poems

by, Cooper Thomas 
Photo by angela7dreams

Yellow is sunshine
pollen from the pine tree
honey of the hive
back of the bumblebee
the Autumn moon

It's springtime
and warmth
and a hug
in your mother's arms
It's joy and it's love

Summer Vacation:)

I remember summer days of
running like the wind,
and flying like a kite,
and hopping like a frog
after swimming with the fish.

Photo by H2O Alchemist

Words that describe water.

Bloop, splash, spray, shapeless, rough, and smooth

Photo by saturn ♄

What is blue
Blue is my favorite color, Blue is the color of the sky without clouds, Blue is the color of the ocean, And blue is a happy color

Yellow and orange make a beautiful sunset Yellow and orange are bright happy color
Orange is a color of a dealishes fruit Both of these colors are in a beautiful rainbow.

Photo by Tim Patterson

The first day of school.
She was a little tense The notice made no sense
She was scare
But her friends cared

Internal Rhyme With Once Upon a Time,

Once upon a time there was a slime, it began to climb.

The Spider and Me

There was a spider that lives behind the door,
I saw him when I sweep the floor.

Life is like a Race.

The one who keeps running wins the race and the one who stops to catch a breath loses.

Is what is on a persons face when they are happy, You smile for pictures, and smiling tells people know you are happy!

Photo by J. Star

Good by
