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Meso-America And Oceania

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Ivan Chazez
Marco Moya
Hector Nevarez
Josiah Lopez

Social structure
The social structure of Mesoamerica consisted of emperors priests and nobles. Mesoamericans growth increased due to this. Oceanians social structure consisted of the inner party the outer party and the proles. The inner party being the highest ranked which were the leaders and dictators the outer party which was the middle class and the proles were the lowest being the working class and slaves.

Mesoamerica had a system in which people were ranked over others. The leader or ruler was considered to be a descendant of the sun god. Oceania government was a dictatorship rule with many harsh laws. Both these regions had a civilized rule which can be seen by the amount of time they lasted as an empire.

The economy of mesoamerica consisted of the trade of beans rice and corn. They also traded other basic necessities such as cloth. Oceanias trade primarily consisted of hunting and fishing. Both these regions provided an abundance of resources, which they were able to trade.

The oceanians practiced Christianity. The traditional methods are often practiced in tribes. The religion in Mesoamerica was polytheistic. They believed in many gods including Taloc the rain god. And their leader was the son of the sun god.

The mesoamericans studied astronomy. They are credited with creating two basic calendars and using the number zero. The 360 day calendar was used to keep track of dates while the 260 day calendar was used for agricultural purposes. The oceanians had advancements such as shipbuilding and tools and weapons to be able to raid and conquer other countries.