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Public Health And Life Expectancy, Acosta, Jones

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Public Health and Life Expectancy

By: Jonathan Acosta and Tyler Jones


  • England's cities were packed during the 19th century
  • Population: 13.9 in 1831
  • Birth rates increased tremendously
  • Homes were densely crowded


  • In 1849 10,000 people dies of Cholera in 3 months
  • Tuberculosis claimed 60-70,000 lives in each decade of 19th century
  • Other diseases that causes heavy loses are Typhus, Typhoid, and Influenza

Health Care

  • Health Care was horrific in quality
  • Doctors still practiced medieval ways such as blood letting and leeches
  • Gave remedies that consisted of Mercury, Iron or Arsenic
  • Side effects of potions consisted of severely dehydrated patients and death
  • Major lack of sanitation throughout the English cities

Life Expectancy

  • Life expectancy was at a low of 45 in England
  • It was 37 in London and 26 in Liverpool
  • 25-33% of children in England died before their 5th birthday
  • The reason for these numbers were the toes of job offered
  • These jobs were literally the death of English society

Harmful Jobs and Effects

  • Coal miners often got back trauma and lung diseases
  • Factory workers would get influenza very easily
  • In fact just having a small business in the inner city was a hazard
  • Many different diseases spread rapidly in the city

The End

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