Let's start with planning! One of my favorite apps is probably one of your's as well....Pinterest! Have you used it for your classroom? I started out using Pinterest for personal reasons, then I stumbled across a FACS teacher's page. Wow! Lots of ideas from class activities to classroom management. Bam! Technology! Now I use it when I'm looking for something new and exciting to use in my classroom, no matter what subject I'm teaching. If you've never used Pinterest for your classroom, take a look at what you can find. I simply searched for Hamlet and look what I found. Crazy! I love to see what other teachers are doing in their FACS classrooms. Another great way to share.
Part of planning obviously includes lesson plans. Now, there are a number of ways you can use technology in planning your lessons. But, let me step back a few years. When I was in college I LOVED sticky notes. I would write each of my to do list items on their own sticky note, then as I accomplished each I would remove the corresponding note and throw it away. "One more thing done!" I found an app that lets me have that act of sticky notes back, only better. Lino allows me to make sticky notes any way I want and as many I want. No waste of paper and I can even see a stack of accomplished notes. (As I talk, show the app in use.). I even keep it on my phone so I can make sticky notes everywhere.
Now, I have a small commute to my school. If anyone else does, you know that is when you have the most thoughts going through your head. I've even found some apps that will help with that. Two different apps that I use when driving to record my thoughts are: Dragon Dictation and my Notes app. Both of these allow me to dictate what's going through my mind. Many times, I simply delete the dictations, but sometimes I will copy them over into a different document.
The final aspect in planning that I would like to share is that of a lesson planning website, which also offers an app for device usage. It is known as Planbook. The website is
www.planbook.com. I absolutely love this site. This past year our new principal required a new format for lesson plans. This app allowed me to easily adapt what I already designed and turned in to the format that he required. Another awesome aspect to this is how I can print out a weekly syllabus for my students with the specific class I need. (As I talk, show the app.)