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Slide Notes

So much style without substance
So much stuff without style
It's hard to recognize the real thing
It comes along once in a while
Like a rare and precious metal beneath a ton of rock
It takes some time and trouble to separate from the stock

So much poison in power, the principles get left out
So much mind on the matter, the spirit gets forgotten about
Like a righteous inspiration overlooked in haste
Like a teardrop in the ocean, a diamond in the waste
Some world-views are spacious
And some are merely spaced

Curves and Lines - Grand Designs

Extracts from 'Grand Designs' - written by Rush

The art and soul of better work

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Finding greater meaning and enjoyment in your work, through an artistic lens.


The art and soul

of better work
So much style without substance
So much stuff without style
It's hard to recognize the real thing
It comes along once in a while
Like a rare and precious metal beneath a ton of rock
It takes some time and trouble to separate from the stock

So much poison in power, the principles get left out
So much mind on the matter, the spirit gets forgotten about
Like a righteous inspiration overlooked in haste
Like a teardrop in the ocean, a diamond in the waste
Some world-views are spacious
And some are merely spaced

Curves and Lines - Grand Designs

Extracts from 'Grand Designs' - written by Rush


Most work is coercive. It is done to you. The best work is coactive and cocreative, it is done with you.

It is totally human to want, need and expect that our views and contributions be taken into consideration and yet we defy these wants, needs and expectations at almost every step in our working lives.

I believe we are better together. Never do anything about me, without me.

workspace without imagination

is just an empty room
'Allowing room for the visitor's imagination is essential if a space is to become a satisfying physical experience.'

Li Xiaodong
Photo by Daniele Zedda

work done without an open heart

and a curious mind - is just an empty task
"We don't need to be taught to make art but sometimes we need to give ourselves the permission to do so. Art is what it is to be human." - Seth Godin

we are all artists

‘Vulnerability is the path to belonging, to innovation, trust and creativity.’

85% of interviewees for Brene Brown’s research can recall a time in school that was so shaming it forever changed how they thought of themselves as learners – 50% of those recollections related to art and creativity.

overcoming fear

draw for the bin
We get hung up on believing our work is not good enough.

Most of the time, we are not here to create Masterpieces, we are here to stretch our creative muscles.

Relax, and sketch yourself into existence.

Draw for the bin - not the museu das artes decorativas

ebb and flow

Creativity isn’t something you just switch on. It ebbs and flows according to the environment and attitude around you. What are the levers and dials you need to be aware of and able to adjust?

Creativity borne of constraint - Necessity is the mother of invention.

Creativity is subtraction - Choose what to leave out.
Steal Like An Artist - Austin Kleon

Drawing is about mark making - Try to use only the marks you need.
101 Things to Learn in Art School - Kit White
Photo by Nick Kenrick.


Be like henri

Be adaptable
Be adaptable – like Henri Matisse was with his cutouts.

What happens when we play with the running order – add things – remove things.

What is on the critical path and what isn’t?
Photo by rocor

Untitled Slide

The Soul of Work

Life Changing Moments

'The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one, you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again, but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to.'

Elizabeth Kubler Ross and John Kessler

A Lesson From My Father - Get to Know Each Other Better


The Art and Soul of Better Work - Madrid 2015


HR Tech Conference Haikus


6 Ways To Improve Learning


What Goes Around - Principles of Work


beyond hr