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Colour Meanings

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by DeeAshley


Red is the color of passionate love, seduction, violence, danger, anger, and adventure. Our prehistoric ancestors saw red as the color of fire and blood, energy and primal life forces.

Photo by @Cristianhold

The history of languages reveals that red is the first color after black and white.

Photo by dsevilla

Red is the color of good luck in Asia and is the most popular color in China. Most Japanese children draw the sun as a big red circle.

Photo by miuenski

Aside from light and dark shades of red, there are two kinds of red: Yellow-based reds are “tomato” reds. Blue-based reds are “berry reds.” Some say that males are more attracted to the tomato reds: females to the berry reds.

Red captures attention.
Red is a good color in India, Nepal and Japan.

Orange is hot, healthy, fruity and engaging but it can be abrasive and crass.

Orange's global similarities are significant: Orange evokes the taste of healthy fruits, bursting with juice. Orange is associated with vitamin C and good health. Children all over the world are drawn to orange. Orange is the color of life rafts, hazard cones, and high visibility police vests.

Orange is both the name and emblematic color of the royal family. Orange is the color of prison uniforms in the U.S. Orange is a sacred and auspicious color in Hinduism. The middle traffic light is orange in France. In the U.K., orange stands for the Northern Irish Protestants and has very strong religious and political significance.

It’s worth noting that there are many shades of orange – and different meanings. Some may be more appealing to those who find orange difficult: terracotta or cayenne – a dark orange, persimmon - a red-orange, pumpkin - a pure orange, mango - a yellow orange, salmon - a pink orange, melon - a light orange.

Photo by kevin dooley

"Safety orange" is used to set objects apart from their surroundings, particularly in complementary contrast to the azure color of the sky. It’s used for hunting and construction zone marking devices.

Photo by anantal

Yellow is the most luminous of all the colors of the spectrum. It’s the color that captures our attention more than any other color.

Photo by Claudio.Ar

In almost every culture yellow represents sunshine, happiness, and warmth. Yellow is the color most often associated with the deity in many religions (Hinduism and Ancient Egypt). Yellow is the color of traffic lights and signs indicating caution all over the world.

In Japan, yellow often represents courage. In China, adult movies are referred to as yellow movies. In Russia, a colloquial expression for an insane asylum used to be "yellow house." Bright “marigold” yellow may be associated with death in some areas of Mexico.

Strong mustard yellows and deep yellow ochres, there are no dark yellows.

Photo by @Doug88888

Yellow is the most visible color of the spectrum. The human eye processes yellow first. This explains why it is used for cautionary signs and emergency rescue vehicles. Peripheral vision is 2.5 times higher for yellow than for red. Yellow has a high light reflectance value and therefore it acts as a secondary light source.

Green is no longer just a color. It's now the symbol of ecology and a verb. Since the beginning of time, green has signified growth, rebirth, and fertility. In pagan times, there was the "Green Man" - a symbol of fertility. In Muslim countries, it is a holy color and in Ireland, a lucky color. It was the color of the heavens in the Ming Dynasty.

Photo by @Cristianhold

Green is universally associated with nature.
Green symbolizes ecology and the environment.
Traffic lights are green all over the world.

Photo by marfis75

In China, Green may symbolize infidelity. A green hat symbolizes that a man's wife is cheating on him.
In Israel, green may symbolize bad news.
In Japan, the words for blue and green are the same.
In Spain, racy jokes are "green."

Photo by tillwe

There are more shades of green than that of any other color. Greens range from yellow-greens, such as lime and avocado greens, to those with a blue tinge (such as emerald). Aqua or turquoise are colors that are typically half green and half blue.

Photo by zebble

Approximately 5% - 8% of men and 0.5% of women of the world are born colorblind. People who are protans (red weak) and deutans (green weak) comprise 99% of this group.

Blue is the favorite color of all people. It’s nature’s color for water and sky, but is rarely found in fruits and vegetables. Today, blue is embraced as the color of heaven and authority, denim jeans and corporate logos. It is cold, wet, and slow as compared to red’s warmth, fire, and intensity.

Blue has more complex and contradictory meanings than any other color. These can be easily explained by pinpointing by the specific shade of blue.

Photo by kevin dooley

Blue's global similarities are significant: Blue is the #1 favorite color of all people. 53% of the flags in the world contain blue. Blue is the most commonly used color in corporate identity. A dark blue suit is professional business attire. Blue jeans are worn all over the world. Aristocracy is blue-blooded in all European languages.

Greeks believe that blue wards off "the evil eye. The English “to feel blue” has no equivalent in other languages while in German (literally: to be blue) means to be drunk or in Russian (literally: light blue) means to be homosexual. Dark blue is the color of mourning in Korea. The god Krishna has blue skin. Shades of blue are described as shallow or deep instead of light or dark in China. Blue is for a baby girl; pink for a baby boy in Belgium. “Prince Charming” is called “The Blue Prince” in Italy and Spain.

Dark blue: trust, dignity, intelligence, authority Bright blue: cleanliness, strength, dependability, coolness
(The origin of these meanings arises from the qualities of the ocean and inland waters, most of which are more tangible.) Light (sky) blue: peace, serenity, ethereal, spiritual, infinity
(The origin of these meanings is the intangible aspects of the sky.)

Blue has very few connections to taste or smell. Therefore it may act as an appetite suppressant.

Photo by atomicshark

Purple’s rarity in nature and the expense of creating the color and has given purple a supernatural aura for centuries. Purple is also the most powerful wavelength of the rainbow – and it’s a color with a powerful history that has evolved over time. In fact, the origins of the symbolism of purple are more significant and interesting than those of any other color.

Purple's global similarities are significant: Purple tends to be a color that people either love or hate. Among Mediterranean people, purple was reserved for emperors and popes. The Japanese christened it “Imperial Purple” Purple is the color of mourning or death in many cultures (U.K., Italy, Thailand, Brazil). Purple is not a common flag color. Only two flags contain purple.

Photo by aussiegall

The “Purple Heart” is the American award for bravery. Purple is a symbolic color for the gay community in many Western cultures. Purple is the color of popular children's television characters – "Barney" and "Tinky Winky" (the purple Teletubby from the BBC). In Italy most performing artists would not go on stage if they have to wear anything purple.

Photo by Steve took it

There are three distinct purples: Red-Purple, Purple, and Blue-Purple. Red-purples are warm, blue-purples are cool, and pure purple is neutral.

Photo by razgriz2520

Purple is the hardest color for the eye to discriminate. Purples have been used in the care of mental of nervous disorders because they have shown to help balance the mind and transform obsessions and fears.

Photo by harold.lloyd