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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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  • Napoleon Bomaparta was born on the Mediterranean Island of Corsica.
  • 9 years later, he went to military school
  • 16 years later, he finished school at age of 16.


  • A govenment official told Napolenon to defend the delegates.
  • Fate gave him a chance for glory.
  • 1 year later, Napoleon appoointed to lead a French army against the Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia.


  • Napoleon begin to led expedition to Egypt and then lost.
  • Directory lost control of the political power.
  • So Napoleon drove out most of members of the Directory.
  • It becomes a "coup d'état" which means "blow to the states"
  • Napoleon had his own one and became dictator.


  • Since 1799, Britain, Russia, and Austria wanted to drive out Napoleon from power.
  • Napoleon took back his colony and restored sugar industries.
  • 1 year later, all three nations signed a peace treaty with France.
  • Napoleon got to work on taking control.


  • Plebiscite which is thr vote of the people killed Napoleon's rule.
  • Napoleon wanted to put economy on a solid foot.
  • He created the Napoleon Code which was laws.
  • He signed a agreement with Pope Pius that was a agreement between state and church.


  • Napoleon created his first empire.
  • He was crowned by Pope and was wearing a robe.
  • He wanted to start taking Europe an set up government in Switzerland.
  • He battled Russia, Austria and Sweden and destroyed them.


  • Napoleon issued a proclamation saying his troops were great.
  • The battle of trafalgar was a huge loss for Napoleon.
  • He stole many ships from the british navy.


  • Napoleon set up a blockade to prevent trade between Great Britain and other European nations.
  • This policy called the Continental system.
  • Also he wanted to destroy Great Britain's industrial economy.
  • But, blockade did not destroyed it, because the Britain had a strong navy.


  • Napoleon removed the Spanish king to accept the Continental system
  • His brother, Joseph, took the throne of Spain.
  • Spanish peasants fighters made a group as guerrillas to ambushed French troops.
  • As a result, Napoleon lost during the Peninsular War, and weakened the French Empire.


  • The U.S Congress declared war on Britain Caused by struggle between Britain and Napoleon.
  • Napoleon and Russian czar suspected each other. Because Russian czar refused to stop selling grain to Britain.
  • Their alliance broke, and Napoleon decided to invade Russia.
  • In June, 1812, Napoleon marched into Russia.
  • The Russian practiced a secorched-earth policy which is to leave nothing for enemy to eat.


  • On September 7, 1812, Russian fell back after two enemies fight in the Battle of Borodino.
  • When Napoleon's troop moved on Moscow, many soldiers were killed in these clashes with exhaustion. October, 1813, Napoleon faced the allied armies
  • Napoleon had most of Europe besides Portugal, Ottoman Empire, Sweden, and Britain.


  • Napoleon faced the allied armies of the European powers.


  • January, the allied armies pushed toward Paris.
  • Two month later, King Frederick William III of Prussia and Czar Alexander I of Russia led their troops into French Capital.
  • April, Napoleon gave up his throne.
  • Napoleon exiled to the Italian coast.


  • On June, 18, Napoleon attacked by Britain army near the village of Waterloo in Belgium.
  • Therefore, Napoleon's power completely ended.


  • He died in 1821 of a stomach aliment while he lived in lonely exile for six years.