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Millennium Development Goals

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Millennium Development Goals

A look at progress

I. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

Good progress, but vulnerable employment persists

MET: Halve number of people living under $1.25/day

Photo by JD Hancock

NOT YET: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all

PROGRESS: Halve number suffering from hunger

II. Achieve universal primary education

Leaps in improvement, but some problems in keeping children in school past primary
Photo by mariskar

PROGRESS: Ensure children everywhere are able to complete full primary schooling

III. Promote gender equality, empower women

Significant but uneven progress

MET: Eliminate gender disparity in education

IV. Reduce child mortality

Leaps in improvement
Photo by HKmPUA

PROGRESS: Cut 2/3rds of mortality rate for children under 5

V. Improve maternal health

Great progress recorded

NOT MET: Cut maternal mortality by 75%

NOT MET: Achieve universal access to reproductive health

VI. combat aids, malaria and diseases

Good progress on tackling diseases, but need more access and affordability for medicine

NOT MET: Halt and reverse spread of HIV/AIDS

NOT MET: Achieve universal access to treatment of HIV/AIDS

PROGRESS: Halt and reverse spread of other major diseases

VII. Ensure environmental sustainability

Significant improvement in human living standards, but more action on environment needed
Photo by *D.-graphy

NOT MET: Integrate principles of sustainable development into policies, reverse loss of resources

NOT MET: Significantly cut rate of biodiversity loss

Halve number of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water (MET), sanitation (NOT MET)

Significantly improve lives of 100 million+ slum dwellers

VIII. Global Partnership for development

Some significant progress recorded, but lack of transparency in companies and affordability
Photo by swisscan

PROGRESS: Develop open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trade and financial system

PROGRESS: Address special needs of least developed, landlocked and small island developing states

PROGRESS: Deal comprehensively with developing countries' debt problems

PROGRESS: Cooperate with private sector, make available benefits of new tech