2016 Introduction to U.S. History

Published on Dec 15, 2015

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Introduction to U.S. History

Ms. Colasante, Mrs. Kraus & Mrs. Speers
Photo by jrr_wired

U.S. History Curriculum

  • Westward Expansion until today
  • Connections to today throughout
  • Units last 3-4 weeks
  • Different learning styles used

Election Unit

  • reviews issues and party platforms
  • culminates in a Town Hall Meeting and school-wide election
  • Town Hall Meeting will take place on November 3rd

History Day Project

  • Interdisciplinary research project
  • Skills woven into earlier units
  • 2017 Theme: Taking a Stand in History
  • History Day Open House and Awards on February 13th
  • Regional, state and national levels too

GFL Components in U.S. History

  • Historical Understanding
  • Historical Analysis
  • Historical Writing
  • Historical Research
  • Assessed using 4 Point Scale (not all components can earn a 4)
Photo by __o__


  • Homework and in class work
  • Shows learning progress
  • Essential for success on assessments
  • Assigned as needed
Photo by shareski


  • Completion of classwork
  • iBook reading and responses
  • Flipped lectures
  • Preparation for standards
  • Complete on time!
  • If absent, check Canvas
Photo by adwriter


  • Unit tests
  • Mini and major unit projects
  • Demonstrates mastery of standards
  • Rubrics taught and provided before assessment
Photo by Dave_B_

Unit Tests

  • Multiple review tools
  • Self-paced test reviews before
  • Canvas practice tests

Test Retakes

  • One week to retake
  • Short answer format for wrong ones only
  • Complete all practice and do test corrections
  • One retake per assessment
Photo by Lemon Toast

Needed Supplies

  • iPad everyday
  • Composition notebook and folder
  • Earbuds/Headphones
  • Writing Utensils
  • Colored pencils or markers

Canvas Resources

  • In Class Today (everything from today's class- links, HW, etc.)
  • Current Unit (pages for ALL days)
  • Today's Assignment
  • Current Unit Review Materials (digital textbook of ALL unit materials)
  • Canvas Calendar (lists ALL assignments)
Photo by Nichole Renee

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

Kraus and Speers Productions

Haiku Deck Pro User