Homework Basics Homework is used to reinforce knowledge, to practice what you learned, and to be able to work at your own pace. It is beneficial when given in moderation but many students have way too much homework each night. (Use the grade level x10 rule)
Pressure There is often too much information to learn or too much work to do and not enough time (no matter how hard you may try). This causes extreme stress. A principal in Wyoming realized how much pressure this was on her daughter and made everyone cut back on homework and had significant, good results.
Depression Lack of sleep, anxiety, and constant stress are all effects of too much homework and are also factors that cause depression in teens. This can lead to constant sadness or even suicide.
Physically Unhealthy A student in Toronto, Canada was extremely obese and had diabetes. His doctor prescribed frequent exercise but him nor his parents thought he had time for it due to the amount of homework so his parents took a stand and brought up the research of effects of too much homework to the school and a limit was put on the students' work load. Now the student can live a healthier lifestyle.
Sleep Deprivation The typical teenager should get about 8.5-9 hours of sleep per night at minimum. Studies show most high school students go to bed between 10-12 and wake up between 6-7, normally not getting close to enough sleep. This can effect the students' mood and how well they learn during the next day.
Happiness Children and teenager often learn to hate school due to the work load. They dread going to school, which may be expected, but they also dread coming home because they know the amount of work they still have to do.
Extracurricular Activities Due to too much homework there is often little to no time for family, friends, sports, or even just time to relax. This can effects the quality of relationships or social skills and can be a factor in a child's contentment with life.
Inform Not everyone knows the harmful effects and strain too much homework can have on students. Just letting people know, even starting with your parents can help.