Location inner or outer group: Terrestrial
Distance from the sun: 39 Astronomical Units
Between the Sun and Venus
Revolution: 88 days
Rotation: 58 days, 15.5 hr.
Diameter: 4,879 km
Surface temp.: -184°c to 427°c
38% of Earth's Gravity
Number of satellites: 0
Planets have similar composition and consist of an outer crust, central core, and a mantle that lies between the crust and core
Moon- like surface, which is composed largely of volcanic rock and hides a massive iron core
Mercury is a difficult planet to see, because it lies have between the Sun and the Earth
Mercury rotation is unique because Mercury only orbits 0.39 astronomical units from the Sun
Mercury's internal structure is more like the Earth
Mercury is Unique because it has a moon-like surface, even though it's slightly bigger than the moon