How are sponges able to disperse?
Sponges are able to disperse for a couple of different reasons. The first way sponges can disperse is by sexual reproduction. When a sponge sexually reproduces, a sperm and an egg form in a parent and produce a swimming larva. The swimming larva then escapes from the parent, finds a place to anchor down, and forms a whole new sponge.
Along with sexual reproduction, sponges are also able to disperse by asexual reproduction. When asexual reproduction takes place, little buds form on the sponge. These buds are then released into the water and attach to the bottom of the body of water.
How is spongin skeleton adaptive?
Spongin skeleton is mostly made up of organic material. Many spongin skeletons are also made out of calcium carbonate and silica. Often times, spongin skeleton sponges are used as bath sponges. They have adapted and are able to hold much more water than an unnatural sponge.
What makes a sponge a predator?
Many people do not consider sponges to be predators. Something thing that makes sponges predators are the toxins they produce. When fish or turtles try to eat them, which is rare, it will kill the animal trying to eat the sponge. Another way a sponge is considered a predator is the ability of some sponges to use movable filaments covered with hooks. These hooks are able to capture small shrimp. The longer then absorbs the shrimp into its body.