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Published on Dec 13, 2016

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SECTION 3 :change is the air

Photo by theqspeaks


  • John F. Kennedy was assasinated
  • John F Kennedy tried leading America to the right path and called his proposed policies the New Frontier.
  • Kennedy made goals which Americans seen social and economic changes.
  • served serious challenges with the USSR
in the 1950's America changed.John F Kennedy brought good vibes to the presidency .In the 1960's it was that time for debating about America ideals,and values took place .It was time for protest,war,and violence.The U.S changed drastically Americans looked at education,social rules,music,fashion,and the government differently from the last decade.African Americans pushed for civil rights,Latinos,Native Americans and women joined in.During the time Kennedy was running for election many people were active.He was trying to lead people into the right direction. He had trouble with the domestic policy goals but the cold war was his main concern.
Photo by kevin dooley


  • World War II ,the U.S was involved in chinese civil war and the Korean conflict.
  • Global competition between Western Democracy
  • President Eisenhower ,Kennedy,and Nixon had to deal with Vietnam conflict.
  • Civil rights leaders brought the struggle to Selma Alabama,Where African Americans made up most of the population but 3% of voters.
In 1965 the U.S military was the strongest in the world.president Johnson sent american forces to South East Asia to fight war against North Vietnamese.
Photo by rgmcfadden


  • Johnson was ready to go beyond the New Frontier to pursue his own Domestic program the Great Society.
  • Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Johnson ended debate on the bill and put it up for vote.
  • Johnson supported the Immigration Act of 1965 which allowed European immigrants to enter America.
  • March 7,1965 their was a march but before it even started State police were angry and attacked civil workers it was on the television news.
President Johnson brought new energy to his effort and declared a ''War of Poverty".Kennedy's death help break the conservative resistance to social programs that were proposed with many conservative politicians replaced with by liberals.In 1964 election results helped Johnson.The election gave democrats their largest majority since 1936.the civil rights ended Legal Segregation. Voting Discrimination continued in the South.
Photo by ell brown


  • one freedom March in Mississippi the new chairman of SNCC, Stokely Carmichael had been arrested for the 27th time
  • Racisim was still one of the most pressing issues in America
  • some blacks still faced discrimination
  • The SNCC embraced the black power movement.
The civil rights movement took on a new look when the phrase Black Power became a rallying cry in June 1966.Some of Martin Luther King Jr.tactics were criticized by some of the black community some of the blacks thought he wasn't going to bring positive vibes into society.Many African Americans were angry because they felt that nothing was changing and that everything was still the same