- Abanded 6.fares
- Rugged
- Profitable
- Beckons
- Multicultural
deserted or left behind
The farmer abandoned there land because the wasn't good enough.
Rugged -adj.-having a rough ,uneven,broken surface. The road was to rugged for the car to drive on.
Profitable-adj-bringing advantage or manetry gain.
The artist art made him profitable.
Beckons-v-attracts or lures by tempting with desirable.
The clown fish beckons to the cheddar cheese.
Multicultural-adj-showing the varied costoms,religions
,or beliefs of different people.
Ms.halls class is multicultural.
Fares-n-money paid for rides in a ship,bus,train,or airplane
I bought a fare ticket for the titanic and it sank.
1.Q-in the early days out west ,why would a prospector leave his tools on the ground?
1.A-prospector put there tools on the ground because that is there land and nobody else could take it so they claimed it.
2.Q- what did a prospector sometimes have to do in order to start mining?
2.A- people loan money to the prospectors and they had to get a grubstake in order to start mining.
3.Q-what does the expression "hitting pay dirt" mean today?
3.A-hitting pay dirt means discovering something profitable or useful.
4.Q-how many years after the Klondike gold rush did the California gold rush happen ?
4.A-The Klondike gold rush began in 1896,50 years after the California gold rush.
5.Q-in this selection,what is a"cradle" used for?
5.A-miners use a cradle to wash large of gold.
6.Q-name the one thing that a prospector could not do even if he register a land claim?
6.A-propetors couldn't claim jump once they registered they claim it.
7.Q-What is the advantage of using hydraulic mining when mining for gold?
7.A-Hydraulic mining was an advantage and hard rock deposit that couldn't be removed by a pix- ax or a shovel.
8.Q-during which gold rush were the " forty- niners " prospectors ?
8.A-The prospectors were called the forty-niners during the California gold rush.
9.Q-What is gold found just below the ground's surface called?
9.A-right below the ground surface is placer gold.
10.Q-according to this selection, why do many people travel in wagon trains out west?
10.A-Traveling in a group is safer than traveling alone.
11.Q-what did the former miners decide to do for work?
11.A-in California ex-miners turned to farming the fertile Sacramento valley.
12.Q-according to the selection,what were new gold miners sometimes called?
12.A-new miners are sometimes called green horns.