KING LOUIS XVI King Louis XVI is a French king who wanted to strike Great Britain so sent 12,000 soldiers & 32,000 sailors to help America win the war against the British.
The fall of the Bastille was when Paris exploded into rebellion and a large crowd stormed the Bastille (a prison and weaponry chamber) and managed to set the prisoners free.
The declaration of rights of man and citizens is a document that stated that government got its power from the people, not the king and basic freedoms.
Robespierre was a lawyer who gained control of the C.O.P.S. and he had supporters who killed anyone in favor of the monarchy return or believed to be disloyal to the revolution.
The directory was another type of government that included 5 people from the middle class and was established to run the government but lacked support rom the people.
Napoleon was a French general who was considered a hero but used his popularity later on to control the army,appoint government officials,and also declared himself as emperor.