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Slide Notes

Want to solve your writing challenges? Here you go. Two words: be yourself. When you write authentically, from the heart, you're an original.

Unlock your potential, with "Authentic Writing: Develop Your Writer's Voice, And Sell" -- http://www.fabfreelancewriting.com/blog/writing-guides/writing-process-auth...

(c) 2014, Angela Booth.

Contact me at: http://angelabooth.com/

Authentic Writing

Published on Nov 06, 2015

Want to solve all your writing challenges with an easy writing process that works? Try clustering. You'll unlock your potential, and write authentically. You'll be an original -- and you'll get readers. Whatever you need to write: business reports, blogs, advertising, nonfiction or fiction, you can become an authentic writer. Discover the easy way to put yourself into your writing, with the "boys in the basement."


Authentic Writing

The Easiest Way to Solve ALL Your Writing Challenges
Want to solve your writing challenges? Here you go. Two words: be yourself. When you write authentically, from the heart, you're an original.

Unlock your potential, with "Authentic Writing: Develop Your Writer's Voice, And Sell" -- http://www.fabfreelancewriting.com/blog/writing-guides/writing-process-auth...

(c) 2014, Angela Booth.

Contact me at: http://angelabooth.com/

Content Tsunami. 3 Million Blog Posts...

Every day.
Yes, three million blog posts are published a day.

Let's see Fido bringing you a newspaper of that size.

No one can read it all.

How will you get readers?
Photo by stylianosm

Generic, or Original?

Your choice.
With so much content being produced each day, will you write more "me too" content, or will you be yourself?

There's no need to strive for originality.

If you're authentic, you're automatically original. There's no one like you.

Get Inspired.

Go fishing.
To be authentic, you need to become inspired. Here's how. Go fishing in your subconscious mind. It's easy -- no hard work involved.

When you go fishing, your writing becomes easy. And it's you.
Photo by Kevin Orbitz

How to access inspiration.

There's a way to get access to your inspiration. It's called clustering. Gabriele Rico published the definitive book on clustering, Writing the Natural Way, in 1985.

Clustering allows you to fish your subconscious.

The Boys in The Basement...

Let the boys do your writing for you.
Stephen King, in his book On Writing, talks about connecting to the unconscious -- his "basement-place" to write.

You can use Stephen King’s “boys in the basement” to access your intuition via clustering.

You'll write easily, and authentically.


Develop Authentic Goals.

Cluster, and allow them to emerge.
To write authentically, you need authentic goals. We're so focused on what we should want that we can't see what we DO want. Our goals are deep within our unconscious.

When you cluster, your authentic goals will emerge, over time.
Photo by marfis75

Be Present To Your Writing.

You'll become a better writer.
Want to become a better writer, INSTANTLY? You can be. Not only can you become a better writer instantly, you can also become a writer who just gets stuff written, and who writes more. And your voice will emerge.

Here's how, in two words — be present.
Photo by vgm8383


Here's a quick fix.
Cluster: you may be able to find out what's behind your block.

Cluster "procrastination", and see what arises from the cluster. You may find that you're anxious about something.

Write a short summary of your cluster.

You're writing... :-)

Cluster: Associate.

Words breed words.
Want to become a FEARLESS writer? ACT, despite your fear.

Cluster first, to fish in your subconscious mind.

If you can do that, you can produce words, and words breed words. After a few minutes, your fear will fade.
Photo by crsan

Authentic Writing.

Unlock your writing. Become an original.
"Authentic Writing: Develop Your Writer's Voice, And Sell" -- http://www.fabfreelancewriting.com/blog/writing-guides/writing-process-auth...

(c) 2014, Angela Booth.

Contact me at: http://angelabooth.com/