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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by jaysalikin

The concept behind air conditioning was said started by Egypt, where reeds were hung in windows and were moistened with trickling water. Modern air conditioning came from chemistry during the 19th century, and the first electrical air conditioning was invented and used in 1902 by Willis Carrier. The introduction of residential air conditioning in the 1920s helped the great migration to the Sun Belt in the US.

How did it change the way we live?
Well in Antarctica it has helped scientist be able to go down there for research and let them be able to stay there longer.
North America helped migration to the south since it used to be so hot.
Europe is the same as America, it help migration more to the south and helped them expand their car company's with them now having air conditioning in it.
South America is a hot place not a lot of people lived there because of that but after air conditioning it helped bring more residents to live there.

Photo by SEDACMaps

How did it change?
Part 2
In Africa air conditioning has not helped at all so far, with people over there not able to offered it or just not have it.
With Asia being so big and being able to afford so much, the air conditioning they bought helped bring a ton of people and bushiness it also helped some car company's over there.
Australia has bad heat waves, and drought so at first they had no one who lived their because of the heat but since they got air conditioning more people are coming to live there because it has become easier

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