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GM Foods vs "Organic"

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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By Kendall Fisher, Cara Burchell, and Natalie William

What is genetically modified food?

Foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering.

Photo by ecstaticist

How does it work?

Manually adding DNA to an organism.


  • Corn, soybeans, cotton, alfalfa
  • Sugar beets, papaya, squash
  • Glow in the dark; pigs & fish
  • Larger salmon
  • Cabbages producing scorpion poison.

What qualifies a food for being organic?

No chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Also, not grown using irradiation, industrial solvents, or synthetic food activities.

Are there any studies that prove the health benefits of organic foods?

It depends on the food. Some non-organic foods are just as good as organic foods. However, there are examples of organic foods that are better.
Examples: milk & tomatoes

Are there any studies that prove the health dangers of genetically modified foods?

Yes, some sicknesses are infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, insulin regulation, and changes in major organs.

Is there an impact to environment or ecosystem in creating GM foods?

Yes, greenhouse gasses, global warming, and pesticide poisoning to farmers.

What are the perceived advantages of GM foods?

Ending hunger, better nutrition, resistant to weeds and pesticides, bigger yields, better textures, better favors, and easier shipping.

What are some perceived advantages of "organic" foods?

More nutrients, stronger, stastes better, cheaper, safe, and healthy.