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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by Connor Tarter



Photo by Amir Kuckovic


Photo by stlyouth

"The first time I read the story by Mira Jama this line jumped off the page, "I have been trying for a long time to understand God. Now I have made friends with him. To love him truly you must love change, and you must love a joke, these being the true inclinations of his own heart."" (Ryan)

Photo by jasohill

"My experience of God always comes back to surprise. My experience of God is dependent on my sense that there is someone much bigger than me. This someone frequently reminds me of his presence by surprising me, by causing unexpected changes. The most significant changes are changes for the better, not the worst. So, my reaction to these changes is usually one of laughter. That laughter come from that fact that in some strange way I'm being guided by someone who has imagined a life for me that is much richer and better than I could ever imagine." (Ryan)

Photo by Amir Kuckovic

He continued his testimony saying, "So, I'm most aware that God exists when my small world is turned upside down in a way in which I never would have expected and, surprise, surprise, things turn out much better than I could have expected. I was not in control, yet things worked out well. Imagine that! The only appropriate response for me is laughter. (Laughter as a kind of prayer?)

One's understanding of God changes as one ages and is constantly challenged by doubt (which is a crucial part of being able to be able to laugh at surprising change). However, I keep being surprised by ways in which I never could have imagined. Thank God!" (Ryan)

Photo by mohammadali

How this makes me know God is real:

His interpretation of how God shows up in life speaks to me because I have yet to find God in a big or obvious way, but I find him only in the small things. Whether it is laughter, surprises, or love, all three of them show me that there is something greater than us, that works in small ways.

Photo by kevin dooley

Personal Testimony

From Dr. Wang
Photo by eioua

Dr. Wang Background

Harvard & MIT (MD, magna cum laude); PhD (laser physics)

Photo by Diueine

Dr. Wang came from China as an atheist and converted to Christianity, in the quote below he explains his conversion and the impact on his life.

"I was not born one (Christian). I was not one when I came to the United States. So, I searched and searched about things in life through science, and it is interesting that the more I studied, the more I realized how little could be explained. So I really got into an emotional and moral crisis." (Wang)

At times this is how I feel, the more I learn about science, the less I think everything can be explained by science. He continued his search for the truth.

Photo by dherman1145

"I thought the more I studied in science the more I would know. It is very important that one have a good mentor in life and at that point there was a professor who I respected greatly for his scientific knowledge. He took me out to lunch one day. He knew that I was struggling about the increasing inability of science to explain things and he said, "Ming, what is that over across the street?" I said, "That's a car." He said, "What is the difference between a car and a human brain?" I said, "A human brain is much more complex." And he said, "Do you think a random collection of scrap metals could assemble itself into a car?" I said, "No way!" He said, "How about the human brain?" I said, "That is even much more unfathomable."" (Wang)

Photo by danichro

This excerpt from Dr. Wang's testimony makes logical sense to me as an explanation for how we know God exists. It points to the idea of intelligent design, but he believes more than this because he sees the love of God. I connect with this because I know there has to be a higher power that made us, but it has to be one full of love.

Photo by @jackeliiine


"The arguments are legion: the basic physical constants are "fine-tuned" for the emergence of life, which is firm evidence of God's providential ordering of the cosmos. The regularities of natural laws can only be explained by God's character and purpose. The fit between human cognitive capacities and the natural world -- for example, our ability to do mathematical physics -- is proof God meant us to recognize Him in the natural world. In short, advocates claim, the more physics advances, the more evidence there is of the existence and providential care of God." (Clayton)

Photo by illuminaut

This particular evidence for God spoke to me in an incredible way. I say this because it is my dream to learn as much about science as I can, and this shows me that it can help me to discover God as well. The connection between the two is not obvious, but the more I learn about science, the more I see that there has to be a being out there that causes all these beautiful things to happen.

Photo by Viditu

Biblical teachings

Off all the Biblical quotes that lead us to God, there is one that is the most important to my life. “I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5c-6)

This speaks to me because my belief in God through others, and through science means nothing if I myself have no personal faith that he is there. If I am not willing to accept him fully in my life and rely on him, then there is no point to believing. That is why reading the words "I will not fear" provides me with the hope and knowledge that this God that does exist is one of love that is always there for me.

Photo by -Reji


John Paul II

Pope John Paul II was world renowned for his dedication to the Catholic Church along with his endless love. One singular quote speaks to me when he said "Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes." (John Paul II)

Photo by kamper_vision

This speaks to me about the existence of God because it once again connects the idea of science and God. It explains that one cannot thrive without the other, and how we can't have one without the other. In order to fully understand life one must combine both, which is what I aim to do in life.

Works Cited Con't

4. Ryan, William. "Re: Does God Exist?" William, Ryan. 26 Jan. 2014. E-mail.

5. Wang, Ming. "Dr. Wang's Testimony as a Scientist and as a Christian." Wang Foundation. Wang Foundation for Christian Outreach to China. 27 Jan. 2014.

In the end, I know God exists and is loving and involved in my life in a plethora of ways, but the most important thing I have learned from this project is that I must live a life that reflects my belief in God.

Photo by pepe50

Works Cited

1. Clayton, Phillip. "Is Stephen Hawking right about God?". Huffington Post. 14 Jan 2014. Jan 27 2014. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/philip-clayton-phd/stephen-hawking-doesnt-ne_...

2. John Paul II. To Reverend George V. Coyne. 1 June 1988.

3. King James Bible. Ed. Apocrypha Books. Massachusetts, 1815. Print.