Once upon a time there was a guy named Democritus who was the first person to view the particles that make up matter.
His model looked like a normal
Then in 1808 a man named John Dalton did various experiments and found out that all matter is made up of atoms.
He used a pool ball as his model.
Now in 1897 J.J. Thomson did the cathode ray tube experiment and discovered the electron.
His model was called the plum pudding model which was similar to a chocolate chip cookie.
Then in 1910 a guy named Ernest Rutherford did an experiment with gold foil and found that there is a nucleus in the atom
His model had protons and electrons in it.
Finally Niels Bohr in 1915 did more experiments and said that neutrons move around the nucleus.
His model looked like planets orbiting around the sun.
Even to this day people are still observing the atom and discovering more things about them. The end.