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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Theseus' parents were Poseidon and Aethra. He was known for his wisdom and his courage for being brave.

Theseus' most known adventure was slaying the Minotaur. This quest was difficult because he said to his dad that he would sail a ship to slay the Minotaur.

He said that if the ship came back with black flags it meant Theseus was dead. So Theseus' dad jumped into the ocean and killed himself.

Theseus' plan was to have a ball of yarn with him and follow it into the maze and kill the Minotaur then when he was done he would follow it back.

Later in his life Theseus and Hercules were good friends, so when Theseus was about thirty, his courage and wisdom left him and so he made bad choices and dumb adventures then he eventually died in exile.