- News aggregator (Feedly)
- Social bookmarking tool (Diigo)
- Social networking tool (Twitter)
- Blog (Wordpress)
- Archiving tool (Evernote)
Personally, I use 5 basic tools to set up and maintain a PLN with social media.
Collect your information--articles, blog posts, videos--and house them in one place with a news aggregator like Feedly. Cull your resources and save the ones that are important to your PD in an online library, with a social bookmarking tool like Diigo. Use tags and lists to sort your resources.
Next, share the wealth by retweeting your resources through Twitter or writing about them in a blog post. Complete the circle of learning by passing on what you have learned to others in your PLN. Make the sharing process easy and automatic by utilizing an archiving tool like Evernote.