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St. Justin Martyr By Stanley Fernandes

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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St. Justin Martyr

Christian Apologists

Birth of St. Justin

  • Justin was born around 100 A.D.
  • Birth place was Flavia Neapolis, Samaria.
  • Justin was originally a pagan.

Life Values

  • Justin was an educated man.
  • Had philosophical ideas and beliefs.
  • Looked for truth and happiness from philosophy.
  • Studied under a Stoic, Peripatetic, Pythagorean, and Platonist.
  • Looked for truth and happiness from philosophy.

The Conversion

  • Justin went for a walk on the beach.
  • Met an old man and talked philosophy with him.
  • The old man read the Gospel to him.
  • After this Justin had his conversion.


  • Justin went on to preaching the word in Ephesus and Rome.
  • Justin delivered his first "Apology."
  • Then he gives his "Dialogue with Trypho."
  • The last lecture Justin gives is his second "Apology."

Apology (First)

  • Defended Christianity from Atheists and Roman government officials.
  • Christian philosophy:
  • Knowledge of the faith should work in harmony with reason.
  • Jesus Christ is the divine word.
  • Jesus' incarnation was to bring truth to his people.

Dialogue with Trypho

  • Show the truth of Christianity to a popular Jewish man named Trypho.
  • The newer covenant succeeds the older covenant between God and the Jewish people.
  • Jesus is the Messiah.

Apology (Second)

  • Convenes the mistreatment to the Christians by the Romans.


  • Arrested in Rome with four or six other followers.
  • Sentenced to death by Prefect Rusticus.
  • Offered to Sacrafice to Pagan Gods, or die by Roman Law.
  • Justin and the other followers choose to die by Roman law.
  • Justin was beheaded glorifying God.

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"Philosophy is the knowledge of that which exists, and a clear understanding of the truth; and happiness is the reward of such knowledge and understanding" (Justin, Dialogue with Trypho, 3)

"Do as you wish; for we are Christians, and we do not sacrifice to idols." (www.newadvent.org)

Prayer to St Justin

Jesus help us walk our pilgrim way to heaven,

May St. Justin be our guide.

Grant us his strength of faith and wisdom

So we may remain united as one family,

growing in love in our Parish of St. Justin.

St. Justin Pray for us.

St. Justin made all of these lectures EXCEPT:
a. Apology 2
b. 95 Thesis
c. Dialogue with Trypho
d. Apology 1

Justin was martyred where?
a. Ephesus
b. Antioch
c. Jerusalem
d. Rome

The second "Apology" focused on:
a. Unjust persecution of Christians
b. Justin's apology to the Prefect Rusticus.
c. An apology for narcissistic values.
d. God wants everyone to follow Jewish laws.

True or False
St. Justin met a blinding light on the beach.

True or False
St. Justin was born a pagan.