recreative task

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The most unusual thing I ever stole?

The colour red/blue/yellow
A soul/dream/an idea
The night/the moon/the ocean/winter
The letter 'A'/a name/speech
A swan/an owl/an elephant
Music/laughter/a moment
A monument/a landmark/a city

Photo by { pranav }

The most unusual thing I ever stole? The moon.
It looked like a ghoulish spirit haunting the treacherous dark;

A chalky smudge on a blackboard. I wanted it – a pearl in the depths,
shimmering and eerie.

I started by plunging my outstretched palm into night,
brushing past murky clouds, feeling my way through stars and sulphurous comets.
As it surfaced, glinting, I seized my chance and plucked it from the inky sky.

Better off dead than giving in, not taking what you want.
The earth was dim, owls lost their way, and the land lacked the lustre of light at night.
Not to mention the tides; ripples replaced by mirror-oceans and smooth seas.

Photo by bigskyred

Sometimes I steal things I don’t need.
I robbed the rain,

Poached icicles and frost-encrusted spider webs,

I tried to lift the winter sky, once.

Photo by dichohecho

I watch my gloved hand trace the contours of mountains, brushing against pine trees.

Boredom. Mostly I’m so bored I could eat myself. One time, I stole a shoal of fish, I nicked a rainbow of parrots from the Amazon, but the moon was the strangest.

Photo by madrones

Miss Adamson

Haiku Deck Pro User