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Published on Nov 18, 2015

Examples of Grammar essentials



By Pablo Romo

Old Fashioned Grammar

  • Is made up of:
  • Nouns
  • Adjectives
  • Verbs and Verb Tenses
  • Adverbs

Grammar Cont.

  • Determiners
  • Direct and Indirect Speech
  • Relative Clauses
  • Punctuation
  • Spelling


  • Noun: Coppell High School, Bruce Wayne, Ronald Reagan
  • Adjective: Awesome, cool, lame, weird
  • Verb and Verb Tense: to run(verb), I am running(tense)
  • Adverbs: Gently, Quite, Then, There
  • Determiners: the, a, an, this, our, some, (person)'s

Examples Cont.

  • Direct Speech: I will now describe my devious plan to you Batman.
  • Indirect Speech: The Joker told me his devious plan.
  • Relative Clauses: ...which Batman stopped.
  • Punctuation: ! , " ; : . ? ( ) - ' 
  • Spelling: Which, not Wich; or Because, not Becuase.

If forgotten, here are links

  • Did you forget what all these mean
  • And are too lazy to look up this page to
  • The definition, then I have links for you.
  • On the next slide.