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The Roman Army

Published on Dec 01, 2015

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Do you want to know how the Roman army trained and what their skilles were?
Or who thair enemies were? Or even what weapons thay used?
Because this is the info you need.

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The Roman infantry trained long and hard for battle.Thay lerned defenseve formations like...
tortoise, wedge, orb, repelcavalry and skermishing formation. As you can see there were a lot of formations and there were a LOT more formations!

Photo by [Duncan]

The Roman army had many enemies. One of their enemies were the Germans. Another was the Gouls from france. And another was the celts from Scotland.The Roman army had lots of enemies and they beat alot of them.

The Roman army used lot's of weapons. weapons like... a gladius (sword) 2ft long, pugio (dagger) a soldier always wore his dager on the left. A pilum (javelin) 6.5ft long. and a scutum (curved shild) and how was a shild a weapon? The roman hit's the enemie in the face with the metal center (the boss). Roman weapons were often deadly.

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