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What is the Phoenix?

Published on Jul 15, 2016

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What is the Phoenix?

Pfeiffer University's Literary Magazine

Prints Literary and Artistic Works Submitted by Pfeiffer University Staff, Students, Faculty, and Alumni

Photo by avhell


  • Poetry
  • Non-Fiction
  • Flash Fiction
  • Photography
  • Artwork
  • Short Stories

Student Run

Student Led, Student Edited, Student Designed

Opportunity to Submit YOUR Work!

Photo by DonkeyHotey


Already Submit? Interested in what we do?

YOU could be a part of The Phoenix!

COMM 106 100 - Dr. Schwalm
1 SH
1 Activity Credit
Fall and Spring Semesters

Resume Builder!

Gain Experience In:

  • Publishing
  • Digital Editing
  • Social Media Production
  • Event Planning
  • Communications
  • Advertisement
  • Book Design
  • Web Design

Join the Staff!

Check us out at:


Like us on Facebook @ The Phoenix

Photo by n.bhupinder

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