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The Maze Runner

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by jcmhunting

James Dasher
Born in Georgia.
He has 4 kids.
Been writing books for awhile, use to work in the world of finance.

Photo by ©athrine

Moment 1 when Thomas wakes up in a metal crate that is getting brought up to the maze, and can not remember anything except his name. Pg. 15-17

Photo by BagoGames

Moment 2 when Thomas kills a griever. No one has ever lived to see one and he kills it. Pg

Moment 3 when the last person comes from the box. It's a girl. There has never been a girl before. But somehow knows Thomas. When usually you don't remember anything.pg

Moment 4 when they make it out of the maze. Thomas leads a group out and realizes the world Is dying and sees a rescue team.

Photo by BagoGames

Choices Thomas made a brave choice by leading most people into the maze were they escaped. The people that decided to say didn't make it.

Photo by Tojosan

Book review
This book was fantastic. A amazing book full of adventure. This book got me back into reading again, I recommend this book to any audience.

Real world connection
I think a real world connection would be, never give up on reaching your goals even when it seems like all hope is lost or people are bringing you down.

Photo by VinothChandar