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The Vietnam War.

By: Fatuma Ali and Olivia Sieberg

When did the Vietnam war start?

The Vietnam war started on November 1, 1955.

Why did the Vietnam war start?

The Vietnam war started because North Vietnam wanted to reunited the whole Vietnam and gain independence.

Photo by tommy japan

Which states were mainly involved in the war?

North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the United States were involved in the Vietnam war.

Why did the United States get involved in the war?

The U.S. was attempting to keep Communism from spilling over from North Vietnam to South Vietnam (one of the other posters referenced the "Domino Theory," which suggested that if one country became Communist, another could become Communist, and so on and so forth, like toppling dominoes).

Photo by tommy japan

Why did South Vietnam get involved?

Because the U.S. got involved and South Vietnam was under the support of the U.S.

Photo by manhhai

How many people died and survived the war?

In South and North 200,000 to 400,000 civilians died. In the U.S. 58,200 people died and
500,000 were wounded.

Photo by manhhai

How long did the war last.

The war lasted 20 years and it's the longest war that America has ever fought in.

Who won the war?

North Vietnam won the war and achieve their goals of reuniting and gaining independence for the whole Vietnam . Where South Vietnam under the support of the U.S. lost the war.

Sharlene Bush's Point of View Of The War

  • How old were you when the war happened?
  • "I was very young but old enough to understand the war."
  • How many people did you know in the war?
  • "1 cousin."
Photo by Kanzis

Joan Tibben's Point Of View Of The War

  • How old were you when the war happened?
  • "I was 3."
  • Do you know anyone who went into war?
  • "I don't know anyone but my dad did join the National Guard because of the war."