Artemis loved the giant Orion and came near marrying him. Apollo took this hard scolding her did nothing. So when Apollo saw the head of Orion who was swimming a long way off, he challenged Artemis that she couldn't hit with her arrows the black object in the sea. Since she was an expert, she shot an arrow and pierced the head of Orion. Artemis was very sad and to honor him put him among the constellations.
When the Aloadai Giants were nine they wanted to fight the gods. They set Mount Ossa on top of Mount Olympos, and then placed Mount Pelion on top of Ossa, threatening to climb up the mountains to the sky. Ephialtes paid a lot of attention to Hera, as did Otos to Artemis. Artemis finished off the Aloadai in Naxos by means of a trick: she acted in the likeness of a deer and darted between them, and in their desire to hit the animal they speared each other. That is what happens when you challenge the gods.