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Change Detective

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Change Detective

By Calypso Schlect
Photo by Jeff Kubina

Melted Chocolate

  • Physical change
  • solid to liquid
  • revirsible 
the melted chocolate is a physical change because the chocolate has been melted and can be frozen again but the chocolate will not be able to gain its original form. the chocolate may have been melted by putting it in the microwave. the melted chocolate can be reversed back by cooling it down.

Burnt Chocolate

  • chemical change
  • irreversible 
  • solid to a liquid to a solid
Burnt chocolate is a chemical change because it cant be changed back and back to its original state. the chocolate has been melted than burnt after maybe being on the stove for too long. this could've been achieved by putting the chocolate on the stove for too long.

Berocca and Water

  • chemical change
  • solid to liquid
  • cannot be changed
the Berocca in the water is a chemical change because the particles in the Berocca split apart and are all dissolved and you cant change it back also a new substance is made and needs energy to dissolve. this change is a solid and then it dissolves into a liquid. somebody probably was making the Berocca and then left it there.

frozen Milk

  • reversible
  • physical change 
  • solid to liquid
the frozen milk is a physical change because it has changed state from a liquid to a solid and also no new substance was formed in the milk. the milk can be changed back from a solid to a liquid by adding heat to it. this was made by someone putting the milk into the

melted Ice block

  • reversible
  • physical change
  • liquid to solid
the melted ice block is a physical change this is because you can change it back and no new substance was formed. the ice block may have been melted by adding heat or putting it in the sun for a while and then someone put it in the mess area. it changed from a solid to a liquid.

Burning Candle

  • reversible and irreversible
  • physical and chemical change
  • solid to liquid (wax)
  • solid to a gas to a solid (wick)
it is both physical and chemical change and irreversible and reversible. this is because the wick creates a new substance (chemical)of ash and the wax melts (physical)because of the heat and then after cooled down again will harden again. for the wax it goes from solid to liquid and from the ash solid to the gas and then the solid.

spilt vinegar

  • physical change
  • reversible change
  • liquid evaporates
the spilt vinegar is a physical change because it changed from a liquid to a a chemical the vinegar may have been placed out in a bowl in the mess scene. the spilt vinegar was also evaporating.
Photo by felishumanus

salt and water

  • physical change
  • reversible
  • (salt) solid dissolves to a liquid
the salt in the water is a physical change because no new substance was made and you can separate the two back by adding heat the salt goes from a solid and then dissolves into a liquid and if you add heat you can change it back to a solid. this was made by getting some salt pouring it into a glass of water then mixing it. You can change the salt to its original state by adding heat.

glass of water, bicarbonate of soda and citric acid

  • chemical
  • solid to liquid 
  • irreverible 
the glass of water, bicarbonate of soda and citric acid is a chemical change because a new substance was created it is a solid to a liquid and irreversible. this change may have occurred by putting the bicarbonate of soda and citric acid this chemical reaction cannot be changed back to its original state.
Photo by comedy_nose

My Theory

my theory is that the mess scene was set up about 10-15 minutes before the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate. i think this because the mess scene would've been sometime before the ice block melted and there were a lot of things to do to create the mess scene. we found the mess scene at 11:30 so the mess scene would've been set up at around 11:15-11:20
Photo by Steve Corey