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Jeremiah Overview

Published on Dec 06, 2015

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An Overview of & Meditation From Jeremiah
Photo by kevin dooley

Jer. 1:1-3

Overview & Meditation


  • What do you like most about change?
  • What do you like least about change?
Photo by JeepersMedia


Flux in Jeremiah's Career
Photo by photodpm


  • Ever change jobs?
  • Good or bad experience?
Photo by photodpm

Jer. 1:1
At (perhaps) age 20 God called Jeremiah from a (likely) career as a priest (like his father) to one as a prophet.

Photo by marfis75

Priest: Predictable

  • Duties written in Law.
  • Just follow instructions.
  • Sacrifices to make.
  • Lepers to examine.
  • Ceremonies to observe.
  • Law to each.
  • Sanctuary to care for.
Photo by juhansonin

Prophet: UnPredictable

  • Each day is different.
  • Nothing written down, just Divine Voice.
  • Never know what will do, where will be.
Photo by khrawlings

Priest: Past

  • Conserve the Past.
  • Protect and maintain.
Photo by ecstaticist

Prophet: Present/Future

  • Change the present.
  • Renew, restore, recreate.
  • So the nation will have a future.
Photo by Gloson

Priest: Externals

  • Deals with externals.
  • Determining ritual uncleanness.
  • Offer various sacrifices.
Photo by satomodel

Prophet: Internal

  • Deals with internal.
  • Tried to reach/change hearts.
  • "Heart" used at least 66X in Jer.
Photo by Olivia Alcock

Priest: Individuals

  • Generally dealt with individuals.
  • One on one.
Photo by tim caynes

Prophet: Crowds

  • Generally dealt with groups/crowds.
  • Addressed whole nations.
  • Rarely did the crowd want the message.
Photo by VinothChandar

Priest: Authority/Respect

  • Belonged to special tribe.
  • Had authority/respect.

Prophet: Despised

  • Could come from any tribe.
  • Had to prove his divine call.
  • Disrespected and despised.

Priest: revenue

  • Supported by the sacrifices.
  • Supported by the offerings.
  • Stable income.
Photo by aresauburn™

Prophet: ? revenue

  • No guaranteed income.
Photo by slgckgc


Flux in Jeremiah's circumstances (Jer. 1:2-3)

Born during Manasseh

  • 2 Kings 21:1-18
  • Wicked/evil
  • Son Amon continued legacy.
  • Jer. grew up in time of great evil
Photo by .donna.dark

Called during Josiah

  • 2 Kings 2
  • Purged land of idolatry.
  • Repaired temple.
  • Discovered Book of Law
  • Called for national repentance.

Ministered During Others

  • Jehoahaz - removed by Pharaoh Necho
  • Jehoiakim (Eliakim) - did evil. Removed by Nebuchadnezzar.
  • Jehoiachin, then Zedekiah (Mattaniah) - evil.


  • Saw nation at its worst.
  • At its best.
  • At its worst.
  • Then saw Jerusalem taken.
Photo by Asja.

Book of Jeremiah

  • Josiah (1-6)
  • Jehoahaz (22:10-12)
  • Jehoiakim (7-20; 25-26; 35-36; 45-46; 47-49)
  • Jehoiachin (22-23)
  • Zedekiah (21; 24; 27-34; 37-39)
Photo by *Muhammad*


Jer. 1:1-3
Photo by Keoni Cabral

8 Names

  • Jeremiah, Hilkiah, Benjamin
  • Josiah, Amon, Judah
  • Jehoiakim
  • Zedekiah

At our birth we are named, not numbered...We are not classified as a species of animal. We are not labeled as a compound of chemicals. We are not...given a cash value. We are named.
Eugene Peterson "Run with the Horses," 25

Photo by hugovk

No one can assess my significance by looking at the work that I do. No one can determine my worth by deciding the salary they will pay me. No one can know what is going on in my mind by examining my school transcripts. No one can know me by measuring me or weighing me or analyzing me. Call my name.
Eugene Peterson, "Run with the Horses," 28.

God knows your name.
You are a person to him.
His relationship with you is personal.

JOhn 20:11-16

  • Mary does not see/recognize Jesus.
  • Only when Jesus speaks Mary's name does she see/recognize Jesus.
  • Why?
Photo by TheRevSteve

God Knows Your Name

Do You hear It?
Photo by Alan O'Rourke

It's only when we finally and fully hear God call us by name that we truly see him.
Are you willing to have such a personal relationship with him?