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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By: Mize Womack
Photo by amphalon


The Ku Klux Klan was (and still is) a white supremacy assembly group that was established in 1867. The people of the public should protest the groups to get rid of them inside of our country of freedom and peace.

What's going on???

The Ku Klux Clan was formed for racial segregation around 1865. This group was formed right after the Civil War to show their opinion on the freeing of slaves.

This Problem All Began When...

The KKK was seeking power of white supremacy. The Victims (homosexuality, African American, and Jewish people), were tortured, and sometimes even killed because of their race or/and beliefs.

The Klan for Financial Aid

The KKK has been torturing these innocent people for centuries, its about time someone steps up to stop these cruel racist people. The KKK has hung victims, cause depression and anxiety of their victims. They cause fear tot he public. This is the reason for the KKK to be stopped. Peace in this country cannot be established unless the Klan is destroyed for good.

Justice has to be done...

If this group of people is not eliminated from America, they will grow and become a major threat to the peace and segregation problems of America. Think about the innocent victims and their fear of the Klan.

They're growing