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southern Colonies

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Katie and Lauren's Southern Colony Life


southern Colonies

by: Lauren Wieland and Katie Gescheidler

plantations and Small Farms

  • Huge plantations were more like villages
  • Often the planters would live in the center of the plantation
  • Most plantation workers were usually enslaved Africans
  • Most southern lived on small family farms
  • All family members or some slaves/servents worked on the farm 
Photo by photofarmer

Family life

  • Most kids were home schooled and were taught by a teacher
  • Boys spent there free time outside and girls learned new skills
  • Education for back country kids was hard 
  • Back country kids started to work around the house and farm at an early age
  • Children learned how to read, write, sing, and dance
Photo by KJGarbutt


  • Indentured servants did most of the work in the 1600's
  • Most slaves lived in the Southern Colonies
  • African slaves were brought to North America during 1600 and 1700

Life under slavery

  • Enslaved Africans were not treated as humans
  • Bought and sold as property
  • Family were separated
  • Everyone was forced to work
  • Harsh punishments is they didn't work hard
Photo by jsogo

African American culture

  • Helped each other to get through the harsh life
  • Religion was a source of strength
  • Made things up to help them get through the day
  • Made up spiritual songs to help pass time

The End

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