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Vocabulary Unit 11

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • (V.) to refer to casually or indirectly
  • Synonyms- suggest, insinuate, intimate
  • William Shakespeare is alluded to in many modern works.
Photo by gouldlibrary


  • (Adj.) supernaturally perceptive. (N.) one who possesses extrasensory powers, seer
  • Synonyms- (adj.) insightful, discerning, uncanny. (N.) visionary
  • Antonyms- (adj.) blind, unseeing, myopic, dense
  • The clairvoyant lady had made a name for herself by predicting the future.


  • (Adj.) serving to settle an issue, final
  • Synonyms- decisive, convincing, definitive
  • Antonyms- unsettled, provisional, indefinite
  • Many Nazi war criminals were not charged with any crimes because there was not enough conclusive evidence to convict.


  • (Adj.) not respectable, not esteemed
  • Synonyms- disgraceful, discreditable, shady
  • Antonyms- honest, aboveboard, respectable, creditable
  • The disreputable man picked up the wallet he found and kept it for himself.


  • (Adj.) native or confined to a particular region or people, characteristic or prevalent in a field
  • Synonyms- indigenous, restricted to
  • Antonyms- alien, foreign, extraneous
  • Not very many things are endemic these days, because people and animals bring new things with them to other places.
Photo by ajari


  • (Adj.) worthy of imitation, commendable, serving as a model.
  • Synonyms- praiseworthy, meritorious, sterling, illustrative
  • Antonyms- infamous, notorious, scandalous, disreputable
  • Whenever I watch sports, it makes me mad if someone doesn't have an exemplary performance.


  • (V.) to understand, to get to the bottom of, to determine the depth of. (N.) a measure of depth in water
  • Synonyms(v.)- grasp, figure out, plumb
  • It is hard for me to fathom the talents of some of the soccer players in the world.
Photo by musicwala


  • (N.) treacherous cunning, deciet
  • Synonyms- trickery, chicanery
  • Antonyms- candor, artlessness, naïveté, plain dealing
  • The bad guy in movies always has actions that include guile.
Photo by IrisDragon


  • (N.) honesty, high moral standards, an unimpaired condition, completeness, soundness
  • Synonyms- rectitude, probity
  • Antonyms- dishonesty, corruption, turpitude
  • The key to being a man for others includes having integrity.
Photo by pmarkham


  • (N.) a route of travel, a record of travel, a guidebook
  • Synonyms- schedule, program
  • I like to look at my flight itinerary so that I know what time I leave and what time I arrive to my destination.


  • (V.) to interpret wrongly, to mistake the meaning of
  • Synonyms- misjudge, misinterpret
  • It is easy to misconstrue something that your teacher said if you were talking while he was.
Photo by trawets1


  • (Adj.) highly offensive, arousing strong dislike
  • Synonyms- disagreeable, repugnant, hateful, odious
  • Antonyms- agreeable, pleasing, engaging, personable
  • It is always obnoxious when a baby cries on an airplane while you're trying to sleep.
Photo by tanakawho


  • (V.) to appease, soothe, pacify
  • Synonyms- satisfy, mollify, allay, conciliate
  • Antonyms- vex, irk, provoke, exasperate, annoy
  • The sound of rain placates people when they have a hard time sleeping.


  • (Adj.) calm, peaceful
  • Synonyms- undisturbed, tranquil, quiet, serene
  • Antonyms- stormy, agitated, turbulent, tempestuous
  • There is nothing more placid than silence.
Photo by blmiers2


  • (Adj.) powerful, highly effective
  • Synonyms- mighty, formidable, forceful
  • Antonyms- weak, inept, feckless, powerless, ineffective
  • The atomic bomb was incredibly potent, as it wiped out an entire city.


  • (N.) a false reason, deceptive excuse
  • Synonyms- pretense, cover story, rationale, evasion
  • Many criminals attempt to use pretexts to lie their way out of a prison sentence.
Photo by Mark Fischer


  • (V.) to stick out, thrust forth
  • Synonyms- project, bulge
  • There was an iron bar protruding from the car after the big crash.


  • (N.) a payment made for a wrong or an injury
  • Synonyms- compensation, damages, redress
  • Since my friend broke my ipad yesterday, I expect a reparation from him.
Photo by aresauburn™


  • (Adj.) harsh, unrelieved, desolate. (Adv.) utterly
  • Synonyms-(adj.) sheer, downright, grim, bleak.(adv.) absolutely
  • Antonyms- (adj.) bright, cheerful embellished, ornate
  • The stark truth to war is that people get hurt during it.
Photo by wstera2


  • (Adj.) on or near the surface, concerned with or understanding only what is on the service, shallow
  • Synonyms- skin-deep, insubstantial, cursory, slapdash
  • Antonyms- deep, profound, thorough, exhaustive
  • The superficial woman only wanted the man for his money.
Photo by ChaChaWei