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ELA Reflection

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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KOBEY SPEARS 2013-2014

Standard growth
I personally have gotten much better at peel such as, getting the evidence needed and how to support it. At the beginning of the year I was still using fourth grade style of writing and now I have grown a lot more with peel. Also if you haven't noticed if you look from the beginning of the year on PEEL to the end of the year PEEL you can tell I have improved a lot. Finally I've learned how to use the transitions used for the PEEL's this year which I can use on other texts that I write.

Reading reflection
What really got me into reading this year that one book would have to be Legend that was the start of having to read at least once a day at school. I have grown so much this year as a reader to show that I have been able to read much more advanced books.

My theme would probably have to be: "Curveball the year I lost my grip." The reason I chose this is because I have had many bad things happen this year and good. Reading has been there for me to forget for a little about what is going on and go into another world that I can enjoy. It's basically is like one of those business charts that go up and down.

Photo by ginnerobot

6 word reflection
My words would have to be: Amazing, different, change, great, enjoyable and hard.

Photo by guldfisken

6 word explanation
One word I want to explain is different, this year has been crazy I mean you can be late to class and it was just a great experiance. Another example of how different this year is I mean you have lockers and it's just crazy how we get more freedom to do what we want. To prove this have you seen how kids have to make better decisions and those decisions may affect you.

Photo by bob august

6 word explanation
Another word I'd like to talk about is amazing. To me this year has been amazing with all these teachers. Another thing that has made this amazing is all the events they hold for us and our families. The last thing that has made this year amazing is the flight events and the I pads there so much fun and those really made this year amazing.

Photo by I_Believe_

"Curveball the year I lost my grip."

By: Jordan Sonnenblick

Photo by Alefshgree