God's Covenant with Abraham: God calls Abraham to leave his country, family and move to the land of Canaan. God will bless him and make him Father of Many Nations. God says to him that he will have many descendants, a wife, to be patriarch of the Chosen People and Father of Many Nations. God also gives him a son Isaac. Abraham wife's, Sarah, name was changed to Sarai.
Abraham's Sacrifice: God calls on Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, on a mountain top. God is testing his faith. Abraham willingly was about to kill Isaac when he was called on by an angel that told him not to do so. The angel told Abraham that God respects life.
Importance of the Birthright: There was a lot of competition between Isaac's two sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau was to get the blessing from Isaac to be patriarch of the Chosen People. Rebekah was called on by God that Jacob was to get the blessing. Isaac did not know any of this.
Tricks and Threats: Jacob tricks Esau into giving him the birthright by blackmailing him. When Isaac was about to die, he called Esau to give him the birthright. Rebekah and Jacob tricked Isaac into giving Jacob the birthright. Isaac eventually finds out and is not pleased.
Jacob's Journey to Laban: Esau planned to kill Jacob because of the trick he played. Rebekah overheard Esau's plan and warned Jacob. She told him to flee to her brother Laban. Rebekah told Jacob to stay with Laban until Esau forgets what you did to him. Jacob's name is later changed to Israel.
Joseph the favored son: Israel's son, Joseph, was the favored son. Israel made a fine tunic for him, he made his other sons work the fields while Joseph stayed home. Also, he told them that in a dream, his brothers had to bow down to him. Josephs brothers were very envious. Josephs brothers were so envious, that they planned to kill him.
Envy: Josephs brothers were so envious, that they planned to kill him. Joseph's brothers were going to kill him by throwing him down a well, but they wanted a profit out of killing him. They sold Joseph into slavery for twenty pieces of silver.
Joseph in Prison: Joseph was successful in everything he did. Soon, Potiphar put Joseph in charge of all his possessions. Then He got thrown in jail for something he didn't do. The Lord protected him again even in jail. He won the trust of the chief jailer and was put in charge of all the other prisoners. Soon, Joseph becomes a dream interpreter.
Joseph becomes Governor of Egypt: Joseph becomes a dream interpreter. He interpret's Pharaoh's dream as: in Egypt, there will be seven years of good crops and seven years of famine. Pharaoh's dream soon came true. Because Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream, he was given the reward of Governor over Egypt. As Joseph had predicted, famine was experienced all over Egypt.
Joseph Tests his Brothers: In Canaan, Israel's family needed food because of the famine so he sent all his sons except Benjamin to Egypt. After Israel thought Joseph was dead Benjamin became the favored son. Joseph's brothers came to him for grain, knelt down, and then Joseph accused them of being spies. They said they were not and had left their father and brother at home. Joseph pretended he didn't believe him and that they would have to bring Benjamin as proof. Israel wouldn't let Benjamin go. When Israel's family needs food again, he finally agreed to let Benjamin to to Egypt. Joseph made a feast for them because they obeyed him.