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Research Assignment 3

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by Dave77459


  • This patient is typically very internet friendly (WebMD perhaps).
  • Self diagnosing
  • Know it all
Photo by enggul

There will be plenty of difficult patients that you come across, working in the Healthcare environment. A popular issue in patients is that they sometimes tend to "already have the answers". Patients often google their symptoms and self diagnose themselves before even getting to a doctors office.


  • Reviewing and explaining your findings thouroughly
  • Explain the reason for your profession
  • Compare other cases and use examples
Photo by @Doug88888

A great way of dealing with such patients would be to simply explain the reason for research on their issue. Explain to them that certain things require test, and studying to determine the root of the problem.

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Photo by K e v i n