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Copy of The Body's Adaption In Response To Exercise

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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The body's adaptions in response to exercise

Photo by Justin in SD

Introduction to the body's response to movement

Experiment done to show changes occurring
As introduction to show the body's immediate responses to exercise, we experienced and gained first hand knowledge in what happens by conducting an experiment, in which we measured our heart rates at various intervals. The table shown portrays our results after the various activities.


During exercise, your heart naturally beats faster to supply more oxygen-rich blood to your muscles. The more intensely you exercise, the faster your heart rate, as well as your respiration.

This is a bar graph of my results and shows the increase in my heart rate after consecutive activities followed by a decrease after a period of rest. Upon exercising my heart rate increased to meet my increased needs of oxygen. Each persons results will differ, and we can make observations and conclusions on how fit and healthy a person is depending on how their heart adapts to exercise. In the next slide I have recorded another persons results. There is a distinct difference in the way our hearts have adapted to exercise.


This is a graph of Person B. It differs greatly from the first graph in many ways.

By looking at the Graph of person A and the Graph of person B we can conclude that person A is fitter than Person B on the basis that :
~ Person A has a lower basal heart rate that Person B
~ This lower heart rate of Person A has other underlying meaning as it proves that Person A must obviously have a greater stroke volume and so it's heart does not need to pump as much and as hard as someone who is not as fit namely person B ( this also proves our previous statement )
~ Person A recovers faster than Person B as we see a greater decrease in the HR after a 2 minute rest in Person A than in Person B
~ We can clearly see the bar graph of person B is much steeper suggesting that Person B would reach their max. HR faster than Person A , whose graph as a gradual or gentle slope

The above evidence not only proves that person A is fitter than person B but also briefly touches on key aspects I shall be explaining in this assignment such as :

~ cardiac output
~ heart rate
~ stroke volume
~ ventilation rate
~ lactate levels

Cardiac output.

The graph below shows the cardiac output before and after one exercises
Cardiac output - refers to the amount of blood pumped from the heart in 1 minute.

• During exercise cardiac output increases to supply the muscles with oxygen and remove waste products.

This is clearly evident from the graph

Stroke volume.

The graph below shows the stroke volume before and after one exercise
Stroke volume - refers to the amount of blood pumped from the heart in one contraction.

• Stroke volume is measured in millilitres and is the blood pumped from the left ventricle. During exercise stroke volume increases as the heart pumps more forcefully to try and get more blood around the body. The force of the contraction generally increases inline with the heart rate of the individual until a threshold point is reached and the heart is pumping as hard as it can. This threshold will occur before maximum heart rate is reached.

Heart rate