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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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a journey of life


  • Smaller in stature
  • Narrower Heads
  • Smaller Jaws
  • Aged skim
  • Beak like nose
  • Could have slower cognitive skills
  • Only about 100 people in the world have this disease

The abnormality is in the proteins Lamin A and Lamin C. The nucleus in the cells are unstable and cause the protein manufacturing to increase ageing.

Photo by TheJCB

progeria is inherited from the parents but the mutation is so rare only 1 out of 4-8 million get this gene deformation

Sam Berns

Sam Berns, had Progeria and lived his life in the fullest. His dream was to become an engineer. He saw the best for his future.

there are not many cures but cardiovascular surgery and anti-aging medicine can help

Their Future:
Their future is bright for them if they choose. They still can do great things in their life, like Sam Berns. Their life span is only about 13. Life will be troublesome for them but can easily be overlooked.

We think that this disease is very sad but can be taken with high prospects and great goals. There is great hope for people with Progeria because everyday scientists are making discoveries toward a cure.