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SEO Basics

Published on Nov 18, 2015

5 Trade Secrets of a SEO Professional - Learn the basics so when you hire a SEO consultant you won't be spending money on easy things you could have done yourself.


SEO Basics

5 Trade Secrets of a SEO Professional


  • Fix Site Errors
  • Watch the Keywords
  • The Value of Content
  • Google+ is a Must
  • Submit Your Site


Not all SEO Professionals are created equal. Choose wisely!

It’s no secret that Google, Bing and Yahoo! determine the winners and losers online. Rank well, and you’re likely to edge out your competitors for the Web-searching prospective customer. As such, if your business depends upon Internet traffic to retain market share let alone grow, it’s highly advisable to partner up with a quality SEO professional.

Fix Site Errors

  • Crawl Errors
  • Duplicate Content
  • Blank or Duplicate Meta Descriptions
Site errors can cause confusion for users and search engine crawlers alike and should be addressed quickly. Regularly review your Google & Bing Webmaster Tools reports to be alerted of pending issues.

Crawl errors vary in severity and complexity. For example, an error that causes the Web crawler to misunderstand site hierarchy is less severe than one blocking crawlers from reaching the site or important keyword pages altogether.

Fix Crawl Errors:
Most commonly the 'robots.txt' file will be poorly written, blocking necessary pages from indexing, or pages have been moved or removed, and the static site map is not accurately representing the changes. Simply applying 301 (Permanent) and 302 (Temporary) redirects can minimize the impact.
More complex errors may require the assistance of an SEO Professional or a seasoned developer.

Duplicate content doesn't necessarily mean duplicate pages. If the highest placement priority and wordiest block of text on the page is boilerplate copy, you're confusing indexers.

Avoid Duplicate Content:
Be sure to have at least 300 words on-topic on a given page, using the keywords 2-3 times in the first 2 paragraphs to hint at the topic. If you have boilerplate copy, trim it to a few sentences with a link to a page dedicated to that copy. You'll create much more equity on that topic if it's restricted to that single page.
Photo by Sam UL

While meta descriptions aren't a sole indicator of topic for crawlers, it is a hint...and a bigger one to the user considering clicking your link.

No Blank or Duplicate Meta Descriptions:
Meta descriptions are the hint to indexers as to the content of the page. When blank, the responsibility is left to the indexer to evaluate the page without any references. Also, meta descriptions are the topic descriptions presented search users upon considering clicking your page link in the SERP.
Photo by Lance Shields

Watch the Keywords

  • Keep it contextual
  • Stay on topic

Use your keywords in context with the language and flow of what you're trying to say.

Keep It Contextual:
Keyword stuffing worked a decade ago, but won't work today. Be sure to use your targeted keywords in the language of the copy written. If it feels unnatural to a human it might be picked up as unnatural to search engines.
Photo by Enokson

Stay on topic. Your product page isn't the place to discuss the history of the company or the founder's 4 adorable grandchildren.

The keywords should be represented in the URL, page title and several times NATURALLY throughout the copy on the page. If you drift too far from topic you lose the opportunity to gain authoritative strength for specific keywords for this page.
Photo by srv007

The Value of Content

  • One sentence won't get you ranked - add some meat
  • Create original content
  • Image file names & alt tags must include keywords

A brief statement or headline won't get you ranked unless your HuffPost or Wikipedia. Be sure to write enough copy to present your site as an authority on the topic, and give you a chance to build keyword density on the page.

Be appropriately verbose. Ideally you'll use the targeted keyword 2-3 times in the first 2 paragraphs on the page, and sprinkled throughout the remainder, depending on the length. Try for a word count of more than 300 and up to 2,000.
Photo by Paul Jacobson

Original content serves both your loyal readers and your page rank in SERP.

Original content is unique to your site, therefore gets the bulk of the content & keyword value from search engines unlike syndicated content, which provides little to no ranking value since it appears other places around the web, and often published earlier than your post.

Keeping tight reigns on where your original content appears (post once and let others link to it for maximum value) will help maintain the value the content brings to your ranking for particular keywords.
Photo by LyndaSanchez

How you tag images impacts the page SEO. Include the keyword in the file name as well as in the ALT description.

Be sure to add the most important keyword to the image file name, and in the ALT description use both keyword and as always, tie in a description of the image.
Photo by marioanima

Google+ is a Must

  • Regardless of how many followers you have, post links and activity in your Google+ account

Posting on Google+ isn't necessarily for the eyeballs of the users; it's for Google to take notice.

Post to Google+:
While nearly all Gmail users are technically registered to Google+, it doesn't mean they socialize on it as is seen on Twitter or Facebook. The biggest value Google+ brings is it's frequency of index: constant. Let's say the crawlers visit your site on average once per week, but Google+ is on a perpetual index. When you post your latest blog entry to Google+, you're alerting Google to the new content, asking them to shoot over to your page and crawl and index the new content.
Photo by katerha

Submit Your Site

  • Sign up for Webmaster Tools
  • Submit Site Map

Google & Bing/Yahoo! Webmaster Tools offer site insights and research capabilities.

Photo by pepe50

Submit your site map through Webmaster Tools to alert engines to your site's presence and content coverage.

Photo by Bradley Wells


It's only the beginning.
Photo by aresauburn™

Addressing these SEO basics will give you a leg up on the competition. Leap out in front by hiring a SEO professional to take your efforts to the next level without paying for the easy tasks you've just completed.