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Class Clown

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by Werner Kunz

The genre of my book is...


Photo by FulgentKlutz

The setting of my book is...

When: when my story takes place is in October.

Where: where my story takes place is in Lucas's house and in Mrs. Hocksdays classroom.

Photo by Great Beyond

5 characters in my book are...

One character is Lucas he is a boy in Mrs. Hockadays class. He is also the one who jokes around a lot.

Another character is Cricket and she is another student in Mrs. Hockadays class. She is the one that is always getting Lucas in trouble.

Photo by Szmytke

Also a character in the book is Mrs. Hockaday she is the third grade teacher.

Another character is Marius and Marcus they are Lucas's twin brothers. And they are always getting into things.

My last character is Julio he is also a student in Mrs. Hockaday's class. Also he is Lucas best friend.

Photo by blmiers2

My book is about a boy named Lucas who always likes to joke around in class. His main goal the rest of the school year is to be good and not joke around as much when he finally accomplishes his goal the teacher and cricket his worst enemy like him more and he does not get yelled at as much and he likes it that way to. And the lesson is to behave in school.

Photo by torremountain

One problem in the book is Lucas is always getting in trouble and getting notes sent home.

Photo by kevin dooley

How the problem is solved is Lucas tries his best not to yell out in class and say rude comments to the teacher.

Photo by nhuisman

A summary of the main points are Lucas is a boy who likes to get into trouble. His teacher in his mom encourage him to stop getting into trouble at school. But it turns out his worst enemy cricket helps him stop getting into trouble. She helps him by making him keep quiet for the day. That helps him realize he likes school better when he is quiet. And so does everyone else.

Photo by Kuyan Redman

The character I am most like the is Lucas. I am like him the most because he is funny and I am funny. Also I am like him the most because he has a good personality like me.

Photo by ecstaticist

A life event that is similar to the book is sometimes I get in trouble for joking around. Also a life event is when the teacher sends home a note cause I have seen that happen to students. That is two life events.

Photo by JD Hancock

My favorite part is when Lucas and Cricket become friends. I like that part because Cricket gets Lucas out of a lot of homework.

My least favorite part is when Cricket gets Lucas in trouble. That is my least favorite part because he gets a note sent home.

Photo by drbob97

One vocabulary word is unicycle.

The definition is
a cycle with a single wheel, typically used by acrobats.

Photo by Cary Lee

Another vocabulary word is enthusiasm.

The definition is intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Another vocabulary word is obstreperous.

The definition is noisy and difficult to control.

Photo by radiant guy

The last vocabulary word is Rambunctious.

The definition is
uncontrollably exuberant; boisterous.