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World Religions

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob founded Judaism

Judaism was founded in around 1300 BC

Photo by MAMJODH

The Torah is the most famous Jewish writing

The Jews believe that there is only one God

Photo by zeevveez

The Jews believe that Jesus is not God's son

The Jews believe the Holy Spirit is divine wisdom

Photo by ukslim

Jews do not believe in any kind of salvation

The Jews believe that once you die you do have an afterlife

The dreidel is a child's toy used during Passover and Hanukkah

Photo by arimoore

The menorah is used during Hanukkah and is lit during the eight days of it

Photo by Len Radin

Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ.

Christianity was founded about 2-3000 years ago.

Some known writings are the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Christians believe God is the Creator of Earth and Jesus's father

Christians believe Jesus is the savior of the world

Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is God's present activity in their midst

Christians believe that you have to have salvation in order to go to heaven when you die.

Islam was founded by Muhammad

Islam was founded in 610 A.D.

The most famous Islamic known writing is the Quran

Muslims do believe in God whom they call Allah

Muslims do believe in Jesus but believe he was a prophet rather than the son of God

Muslims believe in the Holy Spirit but believe that it is the faith of Islam

Muslims believe in salvation for true Muslims

Muslims believe that you are either condemned or saved when you die

Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama

Buddhism was founded in the late 6th century A.D.

Buddhists have many different types of texts called terma

Buddhists do not believe in God.

Buddhist do not believe in Jesus.

Buddhists do not believe in the Holy Spirit

Buddhists do believe in salvation known as nirvana which is known as the end of the rebirth cycle

Buddhists believe in reincarnation after death based on how you lived
your life

Hinduism has not one specific founder but instead it was founded by many enlightened monks

Hinduism was founded about 2300-1500 BC

Some known Hindu writings are the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda

Hindus don't believe in one God but they actually believe in many gods

Hindus do not believe in Jesus

Hindus do not believe in the Holy Spirit

Hindus do believe in salvation and it is called Moksha which happens when a Hindu is removed from the cycle of life and death

Hindus believe that when you die you are reincarnated into a new body

Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak

Sikhism was founded in the late 15th century A.D.

Some known Sikh writings are Chandi Di Var, Tav-Prasad Savaiye, the Lawan, and many others.

Sikhs believe in the one God and other gods

Sikhs do not think that Jesus is the only way to attain salvation

The Sikhs believe to an extent in the Holy Spirit, to them it is the spirit of their gods

Sikhs believe that if you meditate on God you can attain salvation

Sikhs believe that once you die you are reincarnated

Taoism was founded by Lao Tze

Taoism was founded about the 2nd century A.D

Photo by DonkeyHotey

The most famous known Taoist writing is Tao Te Ching

Taoists don't not believe in God

Taoists do not believe in Jesus

Taoists do believe in the Holy Spirit but they call it chi

Taoists do not believe in salvation because they think there is nothing to be saved from

Taoists think that death is just another stage in life

Shinto has no founder

Shinto was founded in the mid 4-5th century A.D.

Shinto has no official sacred texts

Shintoists believe in many gods known as kami

Shintoists do believe in Jesus

Shintoists do not believe in the Holy Spirit

Shintoists believe that salvation is a measure of what you did in life

Photo by Mad Mod Smith

Shintoists do not believe in life after death

Confucianism was founded by Confucius

Confucianism was founded in the 6-5th century B.C.

The Tao Te Ching is the only known Confuciusist writing

Confucianists do believe in God

Confucianists do not believe in Jesus

Confucianists do not believe in the Holy Spirit

Confucianists do not believe in salvation

Confucianists believe that after you die you do not have an afterlife