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Brown University

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Brown University

by Rachel McKelvy
Photo by thurdl01

Admission Requirements

  • ACT Score - minimum of 18-24
  • SAT Score - minimum of 1350 - 1710
  • GPA - 3.5

Costs for Brown University

  • Per Semester: $21,404 
  • Per Year: $42,808
  • Total (4 years): $171,232  
  • It is the same in state and out of state. 
Photo by coffeego

Sidney E. Frank Endowed Scholarships

  • The money is awarded to students who most require
  • the financial aid; provides to up to 128 students per year.
  • Helps mainly with tuition.

The Lagrant Foundation

  • Must be an upcoming Freshmen with at least
  • 2.85 GPA and a standard academic process 
  • Awards $5,000 to recipient.
Photo by SalFalko

Dean's Scholarship

  • Awarded to students who require financial aid.
  • Amounts may vary.
  • Must be a U.S. citizen and apply for scholarship.
Photo by SalFalko

Major in History

Photo by xavi talleda

Classes Required for history Major

  • War and Peace in Modern Europe
  • Nineteenth-Century Cities: Paris, London, Chicago
  • The Shot Heard 'Round the World: The History of Revolutionary America
  • American Empire Since 1890
  • Plague, War, Famine and Death: Crisis in Late-Medieval Europe

Brown university Brown Bear

There are 8,885 students

enrolled as of 2014
Photo by jerik0ne

95% Graduation rate

Photo by Nataraj Metz


Brown University Demogra

17 hours and 3 minutes

Away from my house in Hartselle.
Photo by Werner Kunz